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Day fucking three without Nathan. It's still so hard. You refuse to eat and you only get little naps in. Whenever you do attempt to eat you feel like you're gonna throw up. You returned to your room instead of camping with Warren, he insisted you should stay but you had to go. Whenever you'd leave Warren's room when you stayed you expected Nathan to come out of his room and smile at you or get jealous and upset that you were with Warren, you didn't care you just wanted him here. Alive. You get out of bed and slump into the chair at your computer desk, the little mirror beside your computer looks a look a mess. You sigh and open your laptop, you've been putting it off but you have to tell them. Warren thinks you should too, he knows you're not doing well.
You open Skype and enter one of your contacts, you rub the sleep out of your eyes and comb your fingers through your hair a bit as it rings.
Finally your mom picks up, she smiles at you
"Honey we haven't heard from you in weeks, maybe even months? You don't look to good, are you okay..?" she looks worried as she adjusts the webcam a bit

"I wish I could say so but...I'm not." you look down

"What? Oh dear, what happened?" the concern in her voice grows

"I met this guy...and..I fell in love with him," you look past your laptop screen and out the window that was in front of your desk "And then a lot of things went..bad, it's on the news but I'd rather not talk about it..." you trail off

"News? Honey what are you talking about?"

"I..I," you let the tears poor from your eyes,your voice breaks "I want to come home. I can't do this..I can't be here. It's driving me crazy." you clutch your head in your hands;sobbing

"Oh my god. Honey, don't worry. You can come home. Me and your father will get a plane ticket and we'll come get you, start packing. It's gonna be alright sweetie. I love you."

"I..I love you too,ma. I'm sorry..I promise I'll start back school when I can."

"Don't worry about school. It's fine really. It's gonna be alright.." you can see it pains her to see you upset. After she comforts you a bit more and calms you down you two say your goodbyes. You text Warren through skype.

Warren 🔬: offline

You:I talked to my mom.

Warren🔬: online
Warren🔬: That's good, what'd she say?

You:I didn't tell her much but she said her and my dad will be coming to get me. I can't stay here.

Warren🔬: Wait you're leaving??


Warren🔬:Will you be coming back?

You:Im not sure. Probably not and if I do you'll have already graduated.

Warren🔬: offline

You patiently wait for a reply or at least for him to open the message but he doesn't. You sigh and crawl back into bed.

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