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"H..hey! (Y/N)! Please..wake up!" you heard a familiar voice,as you felt someone's hand gently and carefully tap your cheek.

"i..i..can't." you mumble to where the person can barely hear you.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" the taping continues

You open your eyes gently to see a familiar face kneeling down to you, you perk up just a bit..still feeling dizzy and unconscious
"N..Nathan!I," a tear drops down your cheek as you look at him pleadingly, "I..I'm scared. scared." you wanted to add a 'so' before the last scared but you can barely form a sentence

"I know..I'm gonna get you out of here I promise..I just..can't yet. But I promise the next chance I get we're leaving!" he grabs your hand and holds it gently

"What..are..doing here?" you slur

"You may not remember this but I need to tell you..the truth. Everything."

"o..okay." you try to listen the best you can

"You're right,no one does care. No one. Everybody just..uses me," he sniffles,he tries to blink away his tears but they rush out from his eyes anyway, "I wanted someone to care so bad that..I helped Jefferson..I wanted him to care about me so bad that I did the same thing he does, but..I accidently gave her too much. I..I didn't mean to hurt Kate or Rachel. I didn't want to her anyone, I just wanted someone to care about me..I wanted someone to love me. It's my fault...I'm sick." he quietly sobs as he looks down

"N..Nathan. you. I know you're good. Even if you messed up...we're gonna Get you help. I promise." you whisper,squeezing his hand. You cry more. You fade in and out between words..

He looks up at you;surprised
"Wh..what? do you..mean that?"

you weakly nod
"not..your fault. you just..need help. I promise..I'm here for you." you weakly smile

"I'm so sorry," he wipes his tears, he leans up to kiss your cheek "I promise to get you out of here." he lets go of your hand and goes over to the desk in the room. He picks up a red binder from the desk and brings it over to you, he sets it in your lap, "I..I don't know everything he did to her..but..he takes these picture of the girls he kidnaps..I don't like to help but..if I don't he'll kill me." he opens the notebook to show you a picture of Kate, she's wearing the same thing she wore to the party..she looks so..not there. She's obviously drugged.

"G..god. Seeing that..makes me.."

"sick? yeah,I know." Nathan finishes as he frowns, he stands up to put the pictures back


"We wait. Well..I wait. You can barely even keep your eyes open. I have to go,Jefferson will be back soon and he can't see us talking. you." he's hesitant to say as he picks up his jacket from the couch and throws it back on

"Love you too." you weakly smile. Nathan walks back over to you and wipes the tears from your face before kissing your cheek. He squeezes your hand one last time before leaving. You want to beg him to stay, but you know you have to know you have to be strong, so that you both can leave.

Nathan Prescott x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now