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You walk down to Nathan's room after leaving Warren's,you kick the door since your hands are full

"I'm here!" you shout through the door

"um...okay. hold on." you hear him fumble around inside as you wait for him to open the door

"not to rush you or anything but I'm really close to dropping the movies." you warn

"okay, okay," he opens the door, his pajamas are all black. Just a plain black t shirt and some white and black plaid pajama pants, but he's still wearing his red jacket for some reason..

"Ummm..." you look him up and down

"Um..??" he questions

"why are you still wearing that jacket? Is that like your dumb signature..?" you laugh as you walk in past him, you sit the movies down on his bed.

"um..." he shrugs, "maybe."

"Take it look a bit dumb.." you chuckle

"what?'s a nice jacket..!" he holds onto it tightly

"Seriously..Nathan, take it off..!" you smile as you begin to pull on it

"Stop!" he pushes you away, making you stumble back a bit, "I don't want to take it off, okay."

"Why not?" you look at him, confused.

"Because..." he sits on the edge of his bed,he looks down, "I don't want you to judge me." he mumbles as he pulls down on the sleeves

"Nathan...I'm here for you. We're like friends..or...something..I wouldn't judge you." you stand over him

" sure? you...promise?" he quietly asks as he looks up at you

"Yes. I promise." you smile and cup his jaw, rubbing your thumb along jawline

"I..." he sighs and takes off his jacket hesitantly. He crosses his arms "Please. Don't tell anyone." he slightly leans one of his arms outward, exposing his wrist.

"Di..did you do that?" you look at him,very concerned.

"I..did. It's been a couple of weeks but they're not getting much better.." he refers to the scars, "I shouldn't have shown you...forget about it."

"Nathan. You can seriously tell me or show me anything...I'm just worried about you. You really shouldn't do that."

" I just said it was a couple of weeks ago." he shrugs and throws his jacket across the room " it's not a big deal...I don't want to talk about it, can we just pick one of these movies?" he looks at the pile of movies on his bed

"Okay..fine.." you quietly mumble before softly kissing his cheek and sitting across from him on the bed

"So...," he picks up one of the dvd boxes "Why couldn't we just pick a movie on Netflix..?" he raises an eyebrow at you

"Because...." you shrug, " I don't actually have a reason...I just thought it'd be more like a sleepover!"

"ah...okay." he slightly smirks and looks through some of the movies

"This one's my favorite but I picked some different ones just in case you didn't want to watch it." you pick up a copy of your favorite horror movie.

"(Y/F/H/M)...?" he reads the title aloud slowly as he squints at the cover

" there something wrong with it??"

"'s just I didn't strike you as a horror film girl..."

Nathan Prescott x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now