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You wake up early even though you and Nathan stayed up late. Making love time after time. The light from Nathan's window shines onto your face, warming you up. You rub your eyes and noticed Nathan still tangled around you.

"Nathan..?" you yawn as you quietly speak

"shh.." he whispers as he lays his head onto your bare chest

"I have to get dressed.."

"Just a bit longer." he begs quietly

You stretch your arm out to grab your phone from his bedside table,Nathan halfway opens his eyes to look up at you. You have about 6 missed calls and texts from the same number--Max. You quickly call her,shushing Nathan as it rings.
"Hey! Sorry...I..slept in." you quickly speak as she answers

Nathan smirks and starts to kiss your chest, you squirm a little before rolling away from him quickly.You shoo him as you focus on Max. She wants you to meet her in the Girls' dorm hallway and you quickly agree.You untagle Nathan from around you as you stand. He props his head up with his hand.

"aww..where are you going? who was that?" he pouts

"Girls' dorm. I'm meeting...Kate." you lie, knowing little about Nathan's relationship with Max but you know he doesn't like her.

"Aw. Can't you stay for just a bit..?"

"I'll be back. Promise." you smile as you search around the room for the clothes you wore before. You slide on your panties and slide your bra up onto your shoulders
"Will you hook it for me?" you ask sweetly

He nods and sits up, slipping on his boxers. He walks toward you, he softly bites his lip as he stares at your back. His fingers fidget a bit as he struggles to get the hook to pass through the loops. He successfully hooks your bra.

"Thanks,babe." you turn around to peck his lips. You put on the rest of your clothes.

"I'll text you in a bit. Maybe we could grab something to eat..?"

"Yeah that'd be nice." you smile and slip on your shoes before opening the door, you wave before slipping out of his room

You enter the girls' dorm and approach Max.

"Hey..Max. What's the matter?"

"It's about Kate...about..what happened to her at the party..we need to talk about it." she talks quietly

"Oh..yeah? I don't know what happened..I suppose someone put something in her drink. I'm just...really glad me and Nathan were there."

"Wait..what? So you knew about Nathan being there..?"

"Yeah. He took her to the hospital that night."

"Actually..I don't think he did."

"What do you mean?" you look at her, confused

"...We can't talk about it here." she looks around at the other girls in the hallway, she sighs and pulls you into her room.

Nathan Prescott x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now