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You heard a loud knock on your door and looked over to your phone that was on the charger. You turned it on only for the bright screen to blind you.
'fuck!' you turned the brightness down quickly and looked at the time.
The pounding on your door began again and you got up.

"Calm your tits! I'm coming," you stood up and took your time to get to the door, "What the fuck are you doing here?! This is the girl's dorm!" you hold my door ajar,looking through the slight opening at Nathan fucking Prescott.

"Well I was here to see Bitchtoria...but she was too busy complaining about you so I came to see you...what're you wearing tonight...?" he chuckled at the nickname

"you really are a psychopath aren't you?" you shook your head; getting ready to slam the door but he put his foot where it stopped the door for closing.

"don't be like that. I just want to help you pick something out to wear, I'll take you shopping."

"first of all that's creepy, second I don't have shopping money so bye."

"I'll buy it." he smirked

"what's in it for you? you think I'm just some cheap slut that'll sleep with you because you bought a dress for me Prescott? well you're fucking wrong. get the fuck away from me Prescott before I slam this door on your foot."

He clenched his fists and his voice grew stern
"don't tell me what to fucking do. why can't I just be nice?" he raised his voice a bit

"Well first off you don't even know me." your voice quivered some, he was kind of scaring you.

"Well...I'm hoping to get to know you." he smiled;calming down some

"F...fine. alright. don't expect anything to happen between us though. I'll get ready...we can go look for something I guess..." you said, scared you'd upset him.

"yeah...? that'd be fine." he moved so that you could close the door

You close the door and take off your clothes from yesterday you were still wearing and changed into some jeans,a spaghetti strapped shirt, and a black and white flannel.
You planned to take a shower when you came back to get ready for the party,you ran a brush through your hair a couple of times before putting on some shoes and opening the door.

"Ready?" he quickly sat up from against the wall beside my door

"um...yeah..." You trailed off with your words and closed the door behind you as you started to walk toward the exit. He followed you out of the girl dorms.

"sorry for raising my voice."

" were freaking me out dude. it was kind of...."
you both walked to the parking lot

"Hey! (Y/N)! (Y/N) wait up!" you heard a voice call from behind you two,you turned to see Warren running up to you.

"Hey Warren," you exclaimed with a smile "What's up?"

"I just...was wondering did you watch the movies yet?"

"oh crap! I didn't have the time yesterday! I'm sorry I swear I'll watch them as soon as possible and return your drive."

"it's fine," he looked at Nathan,who was staring at him with a glare, "hey, I'm Warren." he put his hand out to Nathan but Nathan didn't respond, he just nodded a hey; Warren quickly put his hand down.

"um well see you later?" you furrowed your eyebrows at him, finding things a bit awkward.

"actually can I talk to you for a sec?" he grabbed your wrist with a pleading look, Nathan quickly grabbed my arm

"actually we're busy and don't have time for this bullshit." his fingers dug into my arm, You're not sure if he realizes was hurting you.

"Hey, chill..we're not in a rush." you tried to pull his hand off but he began to pull you to his car.

"hey...I'll just text you later..?" Warren said as he slowly let go of my wrist with a concerned look, he started to walk off

"yeah..okay." You replied
Nathan jerked you toward his car,still gripping your arm hard
"what the fuck is wrong with you?! your whole mood just changed...and you're hurting me!" he let go after you said it hurt

"sorry. I just.."

"Are you in a rush..? because you don't have to take me to go get some lame outfit ,you know?" you rubbed your arm where it was still a bit sore

"let's just go." he opened the car door for you and you got in,he closed the door and got in the driver's side. He started the car and you both headed out.

The ride was silent. You wanted to turn on the radio but you don't want to just touch his shit. You sighed and  he seemed to have heard you.
"So what are you studying at Blackwell, (Y/N)...?" he glanced over at you

"oh," you sat up from leaning against the window,"well I want to be an artist...yknow like a painter."

"hm" he replied, his lips pressed together.

"the fuck is that supposed to mean?" you looked at him

"..just never heard anyone say that before...well people I know I mean."

"well you do hang out with those assholes in the whoretex club,- - " he chuckled at the nickname you gave them

"whoretex??" he grinned as he looked over at you

"well yeah...all you guys seem to be interested in is money,drugs, and sex from what I heard. they probably don't even have aspirations.." you folded your arms some

"Oh my god," he laughed "not all of us,you don't even know us (Y/N) but..that is hilarious."

"Thanks...and I guess you're right."

"Do you think..I'm an assholes then..?" he looked at you with a smirk now

"Hm...I don't know yet." You looked back out the window so he couldn't see your grin that you couldn't hold back

"Maybe you'll figure out tonight..? You are going with me to the party right?"

"huh? well...actually I'm going with some friends..."

"You'll accompany me though right..? right..?" he sounded a bit more serious

"We'll see, Prescott."

"I'll put your name on the VIP list.."

"cool.." you smiled and it went back to being silent.

Nathan Prescott x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now