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Warren pulls up into the junkyard. He runs up to you,worried because of the red and blue flashing lights.
"(Y/N)! What happened to you?!" he becomes worried as you don't respond. You're still so deep into thought, you're still grieving and scared of what happens next. You can't actually believe that he's actually gone, you can't accept it. Warren shakes you and you snap out of it.

"Please. Please take me to your dorm." you get up from sitting against one of the police cars. Warren nods and holds onto you.

"Of course."

"Nathan's dead." you mean to tell Warren but you're trying to tell yourself

"What? (Y/N) I'm so--" he looks surprised

"I don't want to talk about it anymore. I just thought you should know before bringing him up." you walk to his car, getting in. Warren isn't sure how to handle something like this but he takes a deep breath hoping he won't upset you. He goes to the car and gets in. The drive is quiet.

You borrow some of Warren's clothes and go hit the showers in the boy's dorm. You don't really care you have way more important things to think about than seeing some dudes in the shower. You get under the hot water, getting the blood off,you watch as the mixture of blood and warm water run down the drain. You're quick to shower and put on one of Warren's dumb science shirts and a pair of his pajama pants. You hurry back to his room, before you open the door you stare down the hallway at Nathan's door. You feel your breathing quicken as you let reality sink in for a second, you feel sick as if you're about to puke..It feels like everything's closing in on you..a pressure presses down on you like a pound of bricks fell on you and you're too weak to hold them up. You hurry to the bathrooms in the dorm, you run into one of the stalls and hover over the toilet. You feel a burning sensation comes up your throat, you puke into the toilet. It's not much since you haven't eaten in a while. You make sure you're done before hurrying back to Warren, you run into his room and slam the door behind you. You slide down,falling against it as you cry.
"Hey, come here. It's alright." Warren waves you over to his bed,he's sitting on the edge.

You stand,stumbling before you walk over to Warren. You sit on the edge of the bed next to him;laying your head on his lap. You sob louder. Warren rubs your back gently, he hushes you. You're so tired that you shut your eyes, you can't keep them open so you quiet down your cries a bit. You fall asleep..

You jolt up after a nightmare,it was about Nathan and you. You're laying in Warren's bed at the opposite end from him. You get up and sit on the edge, grabbing Warren's phone. You unlock it, remembering the code even though you've only used his phone once. You quickly dial a number. You wait as the phone rings before getting no answer,then the voice-mail plays, It's Nathan's voice.
"Yo. It's Nathan. Leave a message or whatthefuckever." his slight chuckle plays into your ear before the tone plays
you cry quietly into the phone before hanging it up. You sit back down Warren's phone and lay back down, crying as quiet as possible so you don't wake Warren.

Nathan Prescott x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now