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Your body is limp and numb. You flutter your eyelashes as you open your eyes..everything is still dark. You feel rain pour on you as you lay on the muddy ground, it feels soggy.
You struggle to even move because whatever is coursing through your veins and because of the restraints around your wrists and ankles. You can barely keep your eyes open.

"'re awake.." you hear a quiet, soft voice of a man attempt to comfort you but whoever is talking just seems creepy

"pl..plea.." you try to form a sentence can't.

"Shh..hey, hey..don't strain yourself." the man brushes your hair behind your ear and caresses your face, you want to pull away but you can't.

"don..don't touch." you whisper

"Sorry..I guess you're still not sure what's going on, " he gets up and walks away. You want to follow him with your eyes but you can't turn your head. You hear him shuffle with something behind you, "Sorry..but I can't have you becoming understand right?" he shows you a needle filled with some liquid, obviously whatever he drugged you with the first time.

" don't. I.."

"'ll be fine." he coos, like you're a little baby. he turns your body toward him, you feel the sharp pain again as he sticks the needle in your neck. You yelp again. Your eyelids flutter once more before you pass out again.

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