Chapter 24. Goodbye.

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Chapter 24

Katelyns POV

We were now in the van driving back to the house. Tom was listening to music, Nathan and Siva were talking and Jay and Max were doing something I didn't quite catch.

Being the awesome actor I am I was pretending to be asleep. I was leaning against the window thinking about stuff...


I was on the floor. Naked in Ryan's house. He left me there. He told me not to move. I didn't have a choice so I had to do what he said or else he'd hit me. He came in the house.

- Daddy? - I said whispering. I soon regretted it after. He came to me and started punching my stomach over and over.

- What did I tell you about speaking when you're not allowed?! Huh?! - he yelled at me, still punching my stomach.

- I'm sorry daddy! I'm sorry! - I said as I screamed out in pain.

- You better be, you worthless slut! - he said to me.

He took my arm and flung me into the closet. Before locking me in, he looked at me with those terrifying brown eyes of his and slapped me.

*end of flashback*

I hadn't noticed that I was crying until something wet dripped on my wrist. I slightly opened one eye and looked at the boys. They didn't notice. Thank god. Then they would ask why I was crying, and then I would have to tell them... That... Never mind.

I just didn't want to worry them. I had already put enough stress on them in the past. They didn't need this on their shoulders now.

The view of the house came in sight. While the lads weren't looking I quickly wiped away my tears.

Wait... Did I just say lads? Crap! I'm turning British!

Toms POV

I was looking out the window and listening to music. From the corner of my eye I was watching Kate.

I knew she wasn't asleep. I knew her too well.

She started slightly shaking. Then a few tears dripped down her cheeks and landed on her wrist. The others didn't seem to notice.

She slightly looked at the lads and then quickly wiped away her tears. My heart broke into a million pieces knowing that she was crying and I couldn't help her.

The view of the house came in. Kate quickly pretended to wake up. She saw that I was looking at her and smiled at me.

Damn. That beautiful smile.

Katelyns POV

The view of the house came in. I pretended to wake up. I saw Tom looking at me and I fake smiled at him. Jay was about to hug me. I slightly backed away.

I looked in his eyes. They were mixed with confusion, pain and a little bit of anger.

I started shaking slightly.

- We're here! - the driver shouted.

His voice was familiar. But I couldn't quite put a face to it.

I shook it off and opened the door. I walked to the house at a faster pace then I usually do. I had the key, since the lads were probably gonna lose it.

I opened the door. And sped off to my room.

I locked myself in my room and sat in the corner. I had to think things over. About Louis.


I was in the orphanage. It was ten minutes to midnight. Louis was gonna sneak me out at midnight sharp. I got snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of pebbles hitting my window. I opened it. I saw Louis standing there with chocolate and flowers. I smiled at him and climbed out the window. I carefully jumped on the ground. I turned around and kissed Louis.

- You ready for tonight? - he asked me while pulling away from the kiss.

- Yeah. - I said to him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and started leading me into a black van. I trusted him. I knew he wouldn't hurt me. I heard him pull something out of his pocket. I looked over at Louis at gave him a questioning look.

Before I knew it I felt a sharp pain in my arm. Suddenly I felt very dizzy and sleepy. I didn't fight it. I was still stuck to the idea that he wouldn't hurt me. Damn was I wrong.

*end of flashback*

That's it. I knew I couldn't stay here anymore. I took out a piece of paper and a pen. I wrote the boys a note.

I placed it on my bed. I took one last glimpse at the room. I quickly looked away and proceeded to climb out the window. I was pro at this. All the times that I've done this. All for the same purpose.

To get away.

My feet hit the ground. I started walking in a random direction.

I was walking down a street when I heard footsteps behind me. I didn't care if I got kidnapped, I had nothing to live for anyway.

Nathan? I didn't deserve him. He deserved a million times better than me. He could have a perfectly happy life with a normal girl. Not a pathetic, broken, lost bitch.

Jay? Yeah he was my brother. But it would be better for him if I went away. I've put too much pressure on him.

Siva? He could be a model. He was always so good to me. I didn't deserve to know him.

Max? He was like my second brother besides Jay. He was always there for me. But he doesn't have to deal with my problems. That's my job.

Tom? Huh, I don't even deserve to know him. He's such a great person. He can achieve whatever he wants in life. And I was just holding him back.

Before I knew it I was in the back of some van. I could hear 5 different muffled voiced. Out of one of them I recognized...


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