Chapter 35. The Parents.

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Chapter 35

(A/N just to let you know everyone in this fanfic is either 17, 18 or 19. So yeah... #DEALWIFIT)

I woke up to a text from my phone. I picked it up and opened it.

'Look out, princess.'

I felt my breath get stuck in my throat. There was only one person who ever called me that...


I heard someone grumble then wrap their arms around my waist. I smiled then turned around to the half sleeping Tom and placed a kiss on his nose.

- asdfghjkl... - I heard him mumble.

- Tom, English. - I said to him.

- Your parents are coming to visit today. - he said to me again, this time understandable. He then pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arms around me tighter. - I don't want you to leave.

- I'm not going anywhere. - I whispered to him. - you can't get rid of me that easily.

He let out a deep chuckle then buried his face in my hair and kissed it.

- I love you so much. - he whispered to me.

I smiled and nuzzled closer into him, if that was even possible.

- Love you too.

Our little 'moment' was interrupted by Max knocking on the door and telling us to get ready.

We both let out a sigh then got out of bed simultaneously(A/N thank god for autocorrect).

We parted ways, he went to his room and I went to my bathroom.

I did the normal hygiene stuff: take a shower, brush my teeth ect.

Then I got dressed and went downstairs.

I sat down on the couch next to Jay then rested my head on his shoulder.

- Nervous? - he asked me.

- Yep. - I replied while taking a deep breath.

- Don't be. - he said to me while getting up and going towards the door.

I quickly got off the couch and then followed everybody else to the door.

Now everything seemed to be in slow motion.

The door opened and revealed two figures standing in front of me.

One was a tall, well-built man and the other was a somewhat shorter woman.

They both had plastic smiles plastered on their faces. They pushed past the boys and hugged me. After what seemed like forever they let go of me and turned to the boys.

- Ok we will be taking her now. - the woman said in a thick British accent while grabbing my arm and taking me to the door.

- Wait what? - me and the lads said in unison.

- Well she's clearly underage so she needs to be living with her parents. - my father said.

- No. - I argued.

- What did you just say to us? - my father said.

- I said no? - I squeaked. I just met these people and I was already afraid of them.

I saw anger fill up his eyes and his blood veins pop out of his neck. His grip tightened on my arm and he was really starting to hurt me.

He dragged me to the couch and sat me down on it.

- You do not talk to your parents that way! - my mother screamed. - why do you think we have you to the orphanage?! You're worthless! Just look at yourself! Ugly and fat! No wonder that kid Nathan raped you, you deserved it! I knew I should have gotten an abortion when I found out I was pregnant with you! You're a mistake and a waste of space! Just leave already what the hell are you even here for?! These boys don't even want you here and neither do your father and I!

I once again felt the familiar lump form in my throat.

I was left speechless: no sarcastic comment to throw back, no joke, no words at all, nothing.

I quickly stood up and ran out the door, not caring where I go.

I heard screaming coming from the building I once called home.

I kept running and running. I soon saw a bridge and ran towards it even faster.

Suddenly I felt like I was being followed, and I knew I was but I didn't care.

I stood on the edge of the bridge, ready to jump.

I looked around: no people. Perfect, no witnesses.

I said my final goodbyes in my head.

I was going home, the place where I belonged all along.

I was about to jump but I felt two strong hands pull me back and turn me around.

- No! Let me go! - I screamed and looked at the figure. Max.

- What are you trying to do?! Kill yourself?! - he shouted.

- You heard what they said about me, Max! My parents said that about me! The people that I've wanted to meet my whole life! The people that I hoped would save me from the fucking hellhole! - I yelled back as I felt warm tears roll down my cheeks.

- Do you even know what I would do if I lost you? The second I would find out that I lost you, I would jump right off the same bridge, not caring if I left anyone behind, because I would want to see you, Angel. You're the person I care most about in this world... I love you so much. You're part of my family too, not just Jay's... Mine too... - he whispered to me while gently rubbing his thumb over my tear strained cheek.

- I... I'm sorry... - I said barely.

- It's okay, Angel. Just promise me you'll never do it again. - he said.

I looked into his deep blue colored eyes, filled with tears.

- I promise.

Toms POV

Kate stormed out the door, and I immediately turned to her parents who seemed somewhat happy.

- Why did you do that?! - I screamed in their faces. - you made a beautiful girl who is obviously perfect feel insecure about herself! You're her parents for crying out loud!

They seemed taken back by my words and they immediately walked out of the house, got in their car and left.

- Well that was easy. - Siva said.

At that very moment I saw Max carry Kate into the house and place her on the couch.

We all let out a sigh of relief as if to say the same thing:

She wasn't gone.

Ok sorry if that made no sense AT ALL.


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