Chapter 39. Phone Call.

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Chapter 39

Katelyn's POV

*same day*

I sat there on our caramel colored couch thinking about what had just happened. Had he been stalking me? How did he even manage to get in contact with me? What was he planning? Millions of unanswered questions stormed through my mind, but answering them was far out of my control.

Thought I wasn't enough

Found I wasn't so tough

Layin' on the bathroom floor

We were living on a fault line

And I felt the fault was all mine

Couldn't take it anymore

By the grace of God there was no other way

I picked myself back up I knew I had to stay

I put one foot in front of the other

And I looked in the mirror and decided to stay

Wasn't gonna let love take me out that way

My phone suddenly started to ring. I picked it up and hesitantly looked at the called ID. Unknown number? Well maybe one of the boys lost their phone and they're calling me from a payphone. I mean they were shopping and at this time it's pretty crowded in London. I picked up my phone and pressed the bright green button then pulled my phone up to my ear.

- Hello? - I quietly said.

- Hi, honey. - a voice said. A voice I knew all too well.

- H-how did you get my number? - I said as my eyes went wide.

- That doesn't matter, now listen up. I'm coming for you, sweet pea, and if you dare tell anyone then when I find you - he suddenly stopped. - oh why should I tell you? You like surprises don't you, sweetheart? - his hoarse voice spoke.

I didn't say anything. I just kept quiet.

- See you soon, babe. - he said to me then hung up.

My body froze and I was left sitting there. Suddenly I heard the sound of a key rattling, meaning the door is being opened. My phone slipped out of the phone on the couch and I quickly stood up and sprinted towards the basement. I ripped the door open and ran inside, making sure I closed the door behind me. I hid in the deepest, darkest corner I could find and slid down the wall. I pulled my knees up to my chest and buried my head in them, hoping that he wouldn't find me. And as always in these kinds of situations I started to shake. The basement was completely quiet - not a single sound, but my breathing. You could hear a pin drop and in these surroundings it would be the loudest god damn sound in the universe.

Suddenly I heard the door open and my name being called.

- Max? - I whispered.

- Kate? - he said, obviously louder than me.

He walked deeper into the basement and looked around. He saw my weak, trembling figure in the corner and ran over to me.

- What are you doing here, Angel? - he said as he pushed some hair out of my face.

- I-I though you were someone else. - I quietly replied while looking away.

- That's okay, it happens. - he said as he helped me stand up from the basement floor.

We walked into the living room, towards the couch and sat down.

Max's POV

We all rushed through different parts of the house, looking for Katelyn. I instantly rushed to the basement door, since that's the place I would hide. When I walked into the room I called her name, but I didn't hear a reply. I looked around and saw a small figure in the very corner of the basement. Immediately I figured that it was her. I rushed.

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