Chapter 2

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Blake's POV

"This is so exciting, I cannot wait to meet your exchange partner!" said my mum. I swear she was more excited about it than i was.

"Yeah, i wonder what he's gonna be like!" I said.

"I bet he will be absolutely lovely! Have you cleaned your room?" my mother, honestly, that woman.

"Yes mum! Of course I have! He's coming tomorrow!" I said exasperatedly.

"Just checking! Oh i can't wait!" said mum, clapping her hands together.

"Keep your hair on mum, he could be a complete ratbag like Blake over here!" laughed my sister Abbie.

"Oi!" I said, pouting at her.

"Now, now, there will be none of this when he arrives, you two got that?" said mum sternly.

"Yes mum," we said in sync.

"Tomorrow!" said mum, getting excited again.

"I know mum! Don't forget we have to be at the airport at 6:00!" I reminded her.

"Well we'd better get some rest then! Good night Blake! Good night Abbie!"

"Night mum."

"Yeah, good night mum."

Reece's POV

"What time are we meant to be picking him up again, Reece love?" asked mum.

"Six," I answered.

"How do you know it's a him? It could be a her," said Lexi, my little sister.

"They wouldn't make the exchange between a boy and a girl," I said to her.

"Why not?" she asked curiously.

I thought very carefully over my next words, seeing as Lexi hadn't had 'the talk' yet. "Well, erm, because, erm, sometimes things can develope, you know, like, erm, happen between girls and boys."

"Like what? They hold hands?" asked Lexi.

"Yeah," I smiled at her innocence. "Yeah something like that."

"Lexi! Why aren't you in bed yet?" scolded mum.

"Sorry mum. Reece can you take me?" she asked me.

"Sure, let's go," I said, holding her hand and leading her to her bedroom, wondering what tomorrow would have in stall.

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