Chapter 33

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Jade's POV

Finally it was the long awaited weekend, the detentions I had gotten were as bad as could be but luckily my one next week was shared with Reece. At least he was going to be there and i wasn't going to have to suffer by myself.

"Have we got any plans this weekend?" I asked that afternoon.

"Well, you are going to get on top of all of your homework and study before you land yourself with more detentions," Lyndsey said sternly.

"I don't have that much extra work to do," I said trying to make it sound slightly better.

"Well you're going to do it and if you need help just ask Reece," she said looking at him. "Make sure you are up to date as well, young man."

"Yes, mum, I am. I always am," he said.

"Yes i know but you need to keep on top of it this year. You want to get a good mark this year as it all counts," she said, i hoped it didn't turn into a lecture. It surely would if my mum was here.

"Yes, mum," Reece said again.

"Ok, good, now both of you are going to spend 1 hour on your work. No phones so hand them to me. I don't want you getting distracted. You have your A-Levels this year," said Lindsay putting her hands out. Reece automatically went to his pocket to get his phone and he handed it in. I was a little bit more hesitant but did it as Reece had, I didn't want to get into trouble.

"Dinner will be ready in an hour and a half so please try get some work done. You can get your phones back after dinner," said Lindsey when she had both of our phones.

"Coolios," I said as we headed for the stairs.

I don't know whether we were productive or not though we did get quite a bit of school work done which was really good and managed to do a bit of study. When it was time for dinner we had very little left for the rest of the weekend which was a bonus.

"Get much work done?" asked Lindsay when we went downstairs for dinner.

"Yes actually, we have like 20 minutes of work left to do which is an achievement," said Reece.

"Good job," said Lindsay impressed.

"Reece, Jade, I don't know what movie to pick to watch while we have dinner," we heard Lexi call from another room.

"Oh yeah, we are having a movie night and having pizza for dinner," said Lindsay with a big smile. "You guys should go help Lexi choose a movie."

"Coming Lexi," I said excited about this. Doing school work was worth this kind of reward. Reece and i went to help Lexi pick a movie. We settled on Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. I had watched it once or twice and it was really good. Surprisingly Reece and Lexi hadn't seen it even though it has a lot of British elements in it. We put the disc into the player and went to tell Lyndsey that it was all ready. Then Lyndsey and Jamie brought in the pizza and drinks for us to eat while watching the movie. Lexi got a little scared at some points so she sat herself in between me and Reece. I started to put my arm around Lexi only to find that there was another arm already there.

"Beat you to it," whispered Reece, stretching his arm a little further so it was around me as well.

"Idiot," I whispered back fondly.

The movie finished and Lexi, Lyndsey and Jamie went to bed, leaving me and Reece on the couch.

"Should we go to bed?" I asked.

"Nah, not yet," he said, pulling me closer to him. I layed my head on his chest, feeling the rhythm of his heart.

"Mmm, good idea," I murmured, relaxing even more as Reece started running his fingers through my hair.

"I whispered underneath my breath, you heard it, darling you look perfect... tonight," Reece sang quietly.

"Oh stop it!" I said with a smile.

"She is the sweetest thing that I know, should see the way she holds me when the lights go low, shakes my soul like a pothole every time. Took my heart upon a one way trip. Guess she went wandering off with it. Unlike most women I know, this one will bring it back whole."

"You really know how to charm a girl, don't you Reece?" I giggled.

"Not just any girl," he said, looking into my eyes. "You."

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