Chapter 22

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Riley's POV

Blake's Yaya and Papu were the funniest and friendliest old couple I'd ever met. Yaya was an amazing cook. Her specialty was, of course, Greek food. It was delicious. I'd never really had that much Greek food at home so this was a treat to me. Yaya was a hairdresser and she offered to cut my hair, whenever I needed it. She said that she'd do it for free since I was Blake's friend which I thought was awfully nice of her. After our lunch (which felt more like dinner) and a long talk, we drove back home. Blake and I went up into his room.

"So," he said after a gap of silence. "What did Reece call you for?"


"What about Jade?"

"She was in a bit of an extreme mood," I said vaguely.

"Meaning?" said Blake impatiently.

"She was very upset and angry and was taking it out on Reece," I said.

Blake looked puzzled. "Why would she do that? I thought the two of them always got along?"

"Her boyfriend cheated on her," I said simply.

Blake's eyes widened with shock. "That's awful! How long were they dating?"

"Six months. Jade's barely been gone for a month and he goes and does that to her."

"Why would anyone cheat on Jade? I haven't known her for very long but she seems like the loyal type who's committed and gives everything," said Blake.

"That's exactly what she's like and it looks like she gave too much. I told her to stay away from him. He's older than her, you see. He was 17 and she was only 15 when they started dating," i explained. "I think at first she was doing it to rebel against her mum but then I think she genuinely started loving him."

Blake frowned. "I'm guessing her mum is over protective?"

"You got it!" I sighed.

"How'd she find out?" he asked.

"This," I pulled out my phone showing Blake a picture posted on instagram of Bradley, Jade's (hopefully now ex) boyfriend, topless and making out with some blonde chick.


We said nothing for a while.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" he asked, trying to be casual.

"Me? No! Nope, nope, nope! Why are you grinning like that?" I said, taken aback. Blake stopped grinning.

"No reason! But surely there must be one lucky man," he said, teasing.

"Nahh, there isn't," i said laughing.

"Really? Are you sure?" asked Blake, still teasingly.

"Well..." I said thinking. Blake seemed to frown a little.

"Well what?" he asked.

"There is one guy I suppose..."

"Oh? Is there? I knew it!" he said with a forced smile.

"Yeah, I've had a crush on him since year five. He's a family friend so I see him quite often, well, not now obviously but before and I think he likes me too but I can't tell," I said, blushing.

"That's cute!" said Blake. I was oblivious to his fake, forced happiness.

I frowned at him. "Is something wrong?"

Blake's POV

"Is something wrong?" asked Riley.

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