Chapter 65

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Blake's POV

When we were finally out of the house, we started walking towards the park. Neither of us said much for a short time. After the silence had been going on for a bit I decided to ask her what I'd been waiting to hear all weekend.

"So?" I asked.

"So what?" she said with a knowing smile.

"Sooo, are you staying here or...?" I asked.

"What do you think?" she asked. I was unable to read her facial expression which was the first time as she is normally easy to read.

"Well I want you to stay but I honestly don't know," I said. "Can you just tell me?"

"My mum said i have to go home," Riley said looking down.

"You don't mean that do you?" I asked pulling her into a hug.

"They said I have to go home and complete school there. They miss me not being home as well which I understand," Riley replied still hugging me.

"I understand that, you are their daughter after all and they deserve to see you more than I do. I'll miss you when you go," I said.

Suddenly I felt Riley take a deep breath and thinking she was crying, I pulled her head off my shoulder and looked into her eyes.

"Jokes, I'm staying. My parents said i could," Riley said laughing.

"Oh, My, God, Riley, that scared me so much. I hate you," I exclaimed.

"You don't hate me, you love me," she laughed.

"True, but i do hate you a little bit for scaring me into thinking you actually had to leave," I said.

"Sorry, but it was so tempting too," Riley said with a huge smile.

"If i was any happier i think I'd burst," I laughed, picking her up and spinning her around. "I love you Riley Starwell."

She kissed me swiftly before saying, "I love you too, Blake Richardson."

"You know, now that you are staying things can slow down now, we don't have to worry about the time left and can just enjoy the present. It also means i don't have to cram everything about England into just the small part of the holidays if you were leaving," I said while i had my arms wrapped around her.

"That's really sweet and i agree, plus i don't know how long my parents are letting me stay here but i have a feeling it could be a while," Riley said laughing as we started walking again but this time we both were so happy and the silence that could have existed wasn't awkward or worrying.

"You know Riley, I actually do love you so much and just the thought that i have more time with you is just making me so happy. And you know i would never do anything to hurt you," I said looking down on her as we almost got back to my house that was also hers until whenever her parents chose.

"And i love you more, and i know you would never hurt me or even think about it," Riley smiled pulling me into a tight hug.

"Actually Riley, school hasn't said anything yet about it but would you like to come to Prom with me?" I asked her.

"Oh my gosh, I'd love to Blake, I didn't realise that we had prom this year. I thought I was going to miss it when i was going to leave," Riley said with a massive smile.

"Well it's this year and it also means that you have to go out and buy a dress for it, unless you brought one with you," I said.

"Well i did bring i think 3 but they aren't exactly nice enough for prom," she said thoughtfully.

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