Chapter 23

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Jade's POV

It's times like these where you find out who your friends are. Later that afternoon I got calls from my closest friends back at home giving me comfort. And Reece, Reece was absolutely amazing. He made me hot chocolate and we binged watched Friends and ate chocolate. Lots of chocolate. I've seen every episode of Friends so I knew what was going to happen so as a result it left me to think. "No...He wasn't good enough for you." is what Reece had said. He wasn't good enough for me. I had thought he was. I'd thought that I was good enough for him but apparently not. No, I told myself. He wasn't good enough for you. I frowned. If he wasn't good enough for me then who was? I looked over at Reece. I liked him but I wasn't good enough for him. He was much too kind, much too caring for someone of the likes of me.

"Jade, you ok? You're frowning?" Reece asked as if he had read my mind.

"I'm fine," I said, turning away from him.

"Are you sure? It's ok for you to say that you're not fine. You don't always have to be fine, and it's ok to say that you're not fine because you've been through a lot in the last few hours," he said. I layed my head on his shoulder. His words touched me. I was so happy that he was my exchange partner; I mean he's put up with a lot from me for the last slightly-less-than-a-month I'd stayed with him for. I tear rolled down my face.

"No, you're right. I'm not fine but I will be," I said giving Reece what I hoped looked like a smile saying 'thank you'. I turned my attention back to the TV. Phoebe had just discovered that you can change your name to whatever you want. Her new name was to be 'Princess Consuela Banana Hammock'. I laughed.

"See? Getting better already?" said Reece with a smile. I put my head back on his shoulder. I became lost in Friends; the scripted humour, the canned laughter and the general vibe of the Central Perk Cafe. I vaguely became aware of something on my head. Something soft, something gentle, followed by a noise that sounded a bit like a kiss. A kiss. Reece had just kissed the top of my head. I froze. My muscles contracted. I became stiff. I held my breath.

Reece seemed to notice this. He also froze. Then blushed crimson.

"I-I-I-I-I-I," he stammered. "Sorry. I didn't mean-."

I could feel my face turning red. "It's fine," I said quickly.

"No it's not, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have..." he trailed off.

"Reece, it's fine honestly!" I said, wondering how it would be possible to get any redder.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"Please! Don't be!" I said.

"I shouldn't've done that," he mumbled to himself. I rolled my eyes.

"Can you stop that?" I asked, the colour leaving my cheeks a little.

"But I shouldn't've. What was I thinking? The most awful thing just happened to you today and here I am, selfish me, goes and kisses you like that. It was careless, I slipped it won't happen again," he said, looking truely remorseful. I intertwined our fingers then looked up at him and locked eye contact with him.

"Listen," I said. "You've been absolutely amazing to me. You've never left my side ever since you found out what happened. You never even considered it. You've acted as my best friend would have if she was here but here's the difference; I've known her for years and I've known you for less than a month. You're kind, caring and absolutely amazing. I just wasn't expecting that, ok? That's why I freaked out; i wasn't expecting it that's all," I explained.

He laughed and when he did, he sounded relieved.

"And besides," I added. "I never said I didn't like it."

Reece's eyes widened. "Jade Meredith! You naughty girl!"

I smirked at him. "Someone once told me that my eyes would get me into trouble one day and I think they're just about to."

Reece blushed again and shook his head. "I don't know what's surprising me the most; the fact that you didn't punch me for using your middle name or the fact that you are flirting with me."

I shrugged. "I like your accent."

"I'm not the one with the accent, you are!" he said indignantly.

"Excuse me, I beg to differ! You ask Riley, she'll tell you that you have an accent," I said.

"She has an accent too! Although it's a bit softer than yours."

"That's because her parents are from around here," I said. "That's why she speaks softer than me because she has parents with accents."

"Ugh this discussion is getting boring. Let's get back to when you were flirting with me," said Reece cheekily.

"Ooooh! Who's flirting with who?" asked Lyndsey, popping her head around the door.

"Chandler and Monica," I said quickly, hoping my already pink face wouldn't give it away.

"That's not what I heard..." she said with a wink. Reece and I said nothing. "And Jade, dear, are you feeling better?"

"Much better thanks," I said, grateful that the subject had changed.

"That's good, I'm glad," she said smiling. She then left the room.

I looked at Reece. "You had to say that, didn't you?"

He shrugged nonchalantly. "I wasn't joking."

I rolled my eyes. "You suck."

"Nahh, you love me," he laughed.

"Mmm, just a little," I said with a smile.

"I thought so," he said with a smirk, pulling me closer. I rested my head on his chest.

"Reece! Your heart is beating so fast!" i exclaimed.

"Why do you think?" he said.

"Enlighten me."

"Well you should know why, I thought it's kinda obvious," he said.

"I don't feel very enlightened, you're being very vague," I said leading him on.

"Seriously," he laughed. "You really want me to say it don't you? Well obviously..." he trailed off.

"Well obviously what?" I asked.

"I'll save that one for another day," he said.

"Reece!" I complained. "You can't just leave me hanging!"

"I can and I will. Now's not the right time. But there will be a time, I promise," he said.

"Oh my god you're so annoying! And mysterious! Why can't you tell me now?" I begged.

"Cause I don't have to tell you everything just yet, you can find out in due time," he said with a smile.

"Oh come on. This is so annoying. Please, pretty, pretty please," I pleaded.

"Not today sorry Jade," he said. Then i saw him look at his watch which made me glance over to see what the time was.

"We probably should go to bed," I said.

"How about we finish this season. We don't have school tomorrow. It's Sunday," Reece said and i completely agreed.

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