Chapter 32

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Reece's POV

I woke up to my alarm clock once again reminding me it was a school day. Aghh, last night obviously wasn't a good night sleep. I turned the beeping off then got up. Jade poked her head around the door.

"Oh! I was just checking that you were up. I've made you breakfast, it's on the table waiting for you," she said.

"Thanks Jade, you're the best," I said stretching.

"I know," she said winking at me.

"Reece! Look! Jade did my hair!" said Lexi coming into my room, showing off two perfect Dutch braids. I raised my eyebrows and nodded at Jade.

"I don't know much about girls' hair but that is good! Why don't you wear your hair like that?" I asked Jade. She smiled.

"I can't do it on myself," she said.

"Teach me! I'll do it for you!" I suggested.

"Really?" she asked.

"Yeah, sure, why not?" I said, getting out of bed.

"What's going on here? Is this some sort of party?" asked Jamie, Reece's dad, coming in.

"Nope, just making sure Reece is getting out of bed," said Jade.

"Ahh, I see. Lexi, your hair looks beautiful today!" said Jamie.

"Jade did it," said Lexi happily.

"Well, Jade, you're very talented at that kind of thing," he chuckled.

"Thanks," she said. Dad and Lexi left to finish getting ready.

"Ok, I'm going to get dressed now so see you in five," I said. I looked at Jade pointedly. She hadn't moved. I nodded towards the door.

"Oh! You want me to go! Right, sorry," she said hastily. She left and shut the door. I started unbuttoning my pyjama top. The door opened.

"Although I wouldn't mind sticking around," said Jade cheekily.

I flushed red. "Jade!! Get out!" I shouted, throwing a pillow at her. She laughed and ran away. I could hear her laughing as she ran all the way downstairs. I smiled and rolled my eyes and finished getting ready then went down for breakfast which was cold pancakes. ("It's your fault for not coming down earlier!" Jade had said.)

We got to school only to discover that we had PE first and Jade had forgotten her gear. This was followed by lots of groaning and swearing. It was too late to go back as the first bell had already went.

Miss Kirkland, as usual, didn't miss an excuse to tell a student off, so she at once noticed Jade's lack of uniform. In her deep, scratchy voice, she barked at Jade.

"Miss Edwards! Where is your uniform?"

Jade sheepishly grinned. "I'm wearing it."

"You know I meant your sports' uniform, Miss Edwards," snapped Miss Kirkland.

"Oh, well, obviously it's not here because I'd be wearing it if it was," explained Jade with a straight face. People were beginning to notice the Miss Kirkland vs Jade face off and were beginning to watch, wide eyed and curious.

"Detention! For cheek and not bringing your uniform!" she said, clearly mad.

Jade blinked at her. "But!"

"No buts, i shall expect to see you today straight after school, in my office!"

Jade stared at her, horrified. "But I have plans after school!"

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