Chapter 27

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Riley's POV

When the weekend ended quickly it was back to school and to my ultimate dislike i had PE on Monday.

"Blake, what is our PE teacher like? Are they nice?" I asked slightly worried, I don't like getting teachers that aren't nice as I'm not exactly the sporty type though i like some sports.

"Well let's just say he doesn't like people that aren't sporty," Blake said. "That category basically includes people that in the top sports team for anything."

"Well I'm dead," I said because i was, "I'm not that dedicated to sport. I have my own life away from school."

"That's same with me. Music takes priority over sport for me though i love playing football," Blake said with a smile.

"Nice," I said, I was seriously so lucky to have Blake as my exchange partner. Nobody and i mean nobody would have been as amazing as him.

"Well lets see what he thinks of you tomorrow when we have PE," Blake said with a laugh. "It will be fun. At least you can complain about him to me if you don't like him. I certainly don't like him."

"Good," i said with a laugh.


The next morning we got to school about 10 minutes before the bell went and walked, as slow as the bell would let us, to PE. We quickly got dressed but luckily there are female and male change rooms and then we met each other back outside. We were then greeted by our sports teacher. To be honest he looked pretty sporty and not like he would dislike anyone and as my brother would say he had lots of muscles. Within 5 minutes of class starting I saw exactly what Blake meant with him disliking him as, as soon as he called Blake's name out he didn't seem to impressed.

To make it worse we had to do the beep test on our first lesson. Me being me only just got above the expected for 16 years olds which was completing 7. I wasn't the first to drop out and just got to be the middle out of the girls. Blake was amazing and did really good getting to 10 and he said he only played football with his mates. I was so jealous. Already i had a huge dislike for my sports teacher and he hadn't actually done anything to make me hate him apart from doing the beep test first day of sport.

Luckily for us the day got better and we didn't surprisingly get any homework though we were given dates for assessments coming up and our next one was sadly on my birthday the following week which I was not looking forward to.

"That's unlucky having that science test on your birthday. Though at least you won't have to study for it on your birthday," said Blake which was a fair point.

"Oh yeah, I didn't think of that," I said happier now because it meant i had more time to speak to friends and family that evening.

"So, mum was asking me what your favourite food was so we could have it for dinner on your birthday so yeah," said Blake.

"Well i like anything but love pizza, pasta and anything with cheese basically," i said but the list could go on and on for ages.

"Nice," Blake said with a smile. "So how do you think you will actually go in this science test?"

"Well, i get everything but can't memorise the valencies to save my life," i said getting quite annoyed with these valencies and could remember very little of them.

"Yeah they can get hard to memorise. Do you want me to test you when we get home this evening?" he asked and how could i refuse.

"Yes please," I said trying to not sound to enthusiastic. I liked Blake but didn't want to say so as it would just make it super awkward. I had gone through that experience multiple times when a guy from primary asked me to be his girlfriend but I didn't like him so i made it super awkward.

"Cool, i have a whole set of palm cards so we can use them," he said smiling. As we finished talking the last bell went and we hurried to our lockers to get our bags then head home. When we got home we had some snacks to eat, then we got out of our uniforms and into more comfy clothes for us to do our homework/study in.

We spent a while with me trying to remember the valencies and i ended up knowing most of them but the occasional one i made a mistake but i improved over the 2 hours i tried to learn them.

"Well done, you've got almost all of them right now," said Blake leaning back on the my bed that we were sitting on. The science work was spread all over my bed which looked like it had no order but it actually did some how.

"Thanks, that's so much easier then when i did it back home last year," i said with a smile closing some of the notebooks.

"Good," said Blake who sat back up again and helped me pack up all of our books that were over my bed which we then put on the floor near my bag. The piles were as neat as we could be bothered to do but at least we knew whose books were whose.

"So," I said going back to sit on my bed.

"So what?" Blake asked with a smile and came to sit on the bed as well.

"I was just thinking and forgot what I was going to say," I said laughing as it happened all the time.

"Lol that happens to me so often," Blake said laughing.

"It's so annoying, hey," I said as i lay back and put my head on my pillow which was so much more comfier then sitting up.

"Yep, it always happens when it is super important and you really want to say it," Blake said which i could also relate to completely.

"Actually i just thought of something: what superpower would you have if you could have one?" I asked.

"Well thats so hard, it could be anything," Blake said with a look of intense thinking on his face.

"Yeah that's why i asked you," i smiled.

"Well," Blake said as he lay down and stared at the roof for a while. "What would you have?"

"Of course you shift the question to me," i laughed. "Well as you asked me i would probably say invisibility."

"Thats a cool one. I'll say that one as well," he said turning towards me laughing.

"No copying," i said playfully hitting his shoulder

"Aww, you didn't say that before," Blake said.

"Well i am now," I said laughing.

"Can I please say invisibility?" Blake asked with puppy eyes which just made me laugh even harder.

"You do know i was joking," I laughed.

"Oh, that's not fair, Riley," Blake said looking back up to the roof.

"Haha i know," I said. We lay in silence for a while until Soulla called us to say dinner was ready. Where we both quickly got up and went down as we were both hungry and hadn't eaten since after school.

When we got down we saw that we were having a greek salad which was so good even though i don't normally eat salad if i could choose it was so good. After dinner we were told to have shower then go to bed as it was already getting kind of late but then again we didn't have to.

"I dibs first shower," I said as quickly as i could as i wanted to get into my PJ's as they are the most comfy thing in the world.

"Ok, I was going to practise on my guitar anyway for a bit so take your time," Blake said when we were heading up the stairs.

"OO cool, I've always wanted to play or learn how to play the guitar. When i was crazy about One Direction, my favourite person, Niall, played the guitar which made me want to play even more," I said. I kept on asking for one back home but never ended up getting one.

"Nice, I could teach you on my guitar if you liked," Blake said smiling.

"Yes please, that would be amazing," I said super excited now. "I probably should go have a shower, i need to wash my hair and want to get into my PJ's."

"Ok," Blake said then we both headed into our rooms. I got my PJ's and headed into the bathroom to have a shower. When i got our i decided not to dry my hair as it dried quick enough and it looked curly when i didn't dry or brush it in the morning.

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