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Ensley hadn't spoken to steph, not since steph had slapped her. Ensley was shocked, she couldn't believe what her own mother had done. Her own mother had slapped her, sure Ensley had been acting like a brat but at the end of the day she had lost her dad, and deep down it was killing her, she blamed herself, she knew that she was the reason he was dead and she could never forgive herself. She needed her mum at this moment in time, but steph didn't care, Ensley knew that, Ensley had been replaced by Maxine barlow and that hurt more than anything else did. She was always replaced. Chloe walked into the room and smiled at Ensley "my dad is a moron" Chloe said "what now" Ensley asked "he wants me to go to dinner with him and miss mason, like ugh, I don't want to go out for dinner with him and his new girlfriend too start with never mind the fact she's the head, its weird" chloe said and Ensley chuckled "are you ready for school" chloe asked "no I don't want to see her" "i know hses a butch and a cow, but she is your mother" "what are you trying to say" "like mother like daughter" chloe said smirking "i will kill you in your sleep" Ensley said "yeah...yeah" chloe said walking off "my head kills" Ensley said and Chloe chuckled "I'm not surprised, I mean you were off your head last night" Chloe said "and you weren't" ensley asked "it was fun...to forget about our messed up parents" Chloe said "yeah, even if its for a few hours" ensley said.

Ensley and Chloe got to school and Chloe froze "what?" Ensley asked "don't you remember what today is" Chloe asked "Tuesday, double English with budgen don't remind me" ensley said and Chloe rolled her eyes "no the drug testing its today" Chloe said "shut" Ensley said, knowing that she and Chloe had been on weed the night before "guess we'll test positive for the weed" Chloe said "that's not the only thing ill test positive for" Ensley said "what was that?" Chloe asked "nothing" "Ensley Lucy Haydock, what did you take last night" Chloe asked "its nothing" "ens" Ensley sighed as she dug into the pocket of her leather jacket and pulled out a packet of white powder. Chloe snatched it off of her and looked at it "coke? Ensley do you have an idea how dangerous this is" Chloe asked "i know" "well this end, today" Chloe said as she slid the cocaine into her pocket and walked into the school. Chloe and Ensley stood outside of assembly, when tom walked past, he glanced at Ensley slightly then looked away as Ensley blushed "have you two talked?" Chloe asked "what? you mean since he fucked me like a common whore in the toilets, no, we haven't. He's avoiding me and I feel cheap Chloe" Ensley said "your not cheap....and you have nothing to be ashamed off" Chloe said "well, hes make me feel like I do" Ensley said as she wiped away a tear "don't like him upset you" "its not that" "what is it ens" Chloe asked "why doesn't anyone want me, Chloe, why aren't I good enough" Ensley asked "you are, you are amazing Ensley" Chloe said as she hugged Ensley.


Rachel walked into the office, later that afternoon and held the results to the drug screening "everything alright?" Eddie asked "i think you need to see this, Chloe has tested positive as well as Ensley, she's posted positive for cocaine as well" Rachel said as she handed Eddie the results. "cocaine? does Steph know?" Eddie asked "no, Ensley? cocaine? I mean she always seemed like a sweet girl" Eddie said "the sweetest have the most secrets..she's fifteen Eddie" "i know, ill speak with Steph" Eddie said as he stood up form the chair and walked down to stephs classroom. Eddie knocked on the door to the classroom and spotted his daughter and Ensley messing around, he had gathered that Ensley was corrupting his daughter. Steph walked out "is everything okay" she asked him "there's something you need to know about Ensley" Eddie said handing the screening results to Steph. Steph scanned through the sheet and glanced to Ensley's name "i don't believe it, I could kill her" Steph said "no, Steph I think Ensley needs you and I think she and Chloe need time apart" Eddie said and Steph glanced to Ensley "yeah...I do too" Steph said.

The bell for the end of the lesson went and Ensley and Chloe stood up "Ensley, can I have a word" Steph said and Chloe glanced at Ensley "ill be fine....ill catch up to you" Ensley said and Chloe nodded as she headed off to English "what is it" Ensley asked crossing her arms over her chest "i want to ask you something" Steph said as she handed Ensley the screening results "so? I get buzzed....its the same as you and your wine" Ensley said "no...no its not, and you know it, Ensley this is serious and it could kill you" "why do you care" "i am your mother" " when it suits you, yes" Ensley said "Ensley please, im sorry I should never of slapped you, but the end of the day you are fifteen and I am your mother and your stuck with me" Steph said "your better off without me, you have Maxine" "i don't want Maxine, I want my daughter, I want a relationship with her, don't you want that" Steph asked and Ensley sighed "yeah" "look, I think its best you and Chloe stay away from each other for now" " what? she's my best friend you cant do that" Ensley said "i can, and I have...mr Lawson agrees" "mum...please" "no Ensley" "i don't care...I just don't care anymore" Ensley said as she sunk down in her seat "what does that mean" Steph asked "it means everyone is better off without me, Chloe, you, dad, its my fault hes dead" Ensley said "Ensley...its not, it was an accident" Steph said as she wiped away the tears from Ensley's face "an accident, I caused" "no, this isn't your fault I promise you that" Steph said and Ensley nodded as Steph pulled Ensley into a hug, as she cried.

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