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Ensley lay in bed, she was tossing and turning. She couldn't sleep, she was returning back to school and it made her feel anxious. Ensley sat up. She ran her hands through her hair and looked to see it was one in the morning. She grabbed her phone off of the side and rang tom. He answered the phone after the third ring "ens?" "Tom, I can't sleep. Are you busy" ensley asked. Tom smirked into the phone. "Why what did you have in mind" tom asked. Ensley smirked as he bite her lip as she twirled her hair "it involves my back on your mattress, getting very....very breathless as you make my legs weak as you fuck me good" ensley said and tom chuckled "I'll pick you up in ten" tom said as ensley hung up the phone. She sat up from the bed and slipped on one of toms baggy shirt, a pair of shorts and her boots. She didn't really care about her appearance, not when she was heading over to toms just to take the clothes off.

Ensley walked out of her room and closed to door quietly, she wasnt one off sneaking out she was more for sneaking in. Ensley got to the front door and closed it, silently locking it. She stood with her back against the door. She knew steph was a light sleeper and waited a few minutes to see if she heard anything. Ensley sighed with relief before she walked to the end of the street and got into toms car. He smiled at her and kissed her "ready" tom asked "yep"

Ensley let out a breathe as tom pushed her against the mattress, she smirked st him as he grabbed the waist band of her shorts and pulled them off of her. She smirked as she watched him undress. She smirked at his hardened member. She bite her lips as tom spread her legs and pushed into her. Ensley groaned as she dug her nails into his back, she  smirked as he moves in and our of her at a fast pace. Tom bite into her neck as she rolled her head back, feeling herself close.

After they climaxed tom rolled next to her to the side of the bed. Ensley turned to face him and he smiled as he brushed the hair out of her face "want to tell me, whats wrong" tom asked and ensley sighed "I'm worried, anxious" ensley said "about what" tom asked "let's at on about six hours I'm returning to school and I'm scared. I know everyone will be looking at him, judging me. Ensley haydock, the girl who starved herself, the girl who used it as a coping mechanism for her fathers death as the grief got to much. She blamed herself, so she starved herself to cope" ensley said. Tom placed a hand on her cheek and pulled her face towards "its okay. I'm here and you have Chloe, your mum besides I doubt anyone is stupid enough to say anything in front of Chloe" tom said and ensley chuckled knowing that he was right.

Ensley smiled and rested her head on his chest. "If it gets to much you can always co.e see me, I'm sure I can find of way to help you deal with the stress" tom said and ensley chuckled she knew he was smirking "we'll see. I just want to lie here, at the minute. I just want to be safe with you" ensley said. Tom kissed her head and cuddled into her, he was falling head over heels for ensley haydock and the thought of not being with her and loosing her terrified him.

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