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Ensley sat up from the bed and glanced around the room, she spotted the almost empty vodka bottle on the side of her bed. She picked it up and took a drink emptying the bottle. She walked over to the mirror and ran her hands over her stomach, she saw herself as fsf in the mirror even though she was wasting a way and her ribs were becoming very visible. Ensley knew that she was hungry, she was so hungry bit she just didn't feel very hungry. Ensley walked into the kitchen and grabbed some cake out of the fridge and scoft it down her throat as well as some biscuits and anything she could get her hands on. Ensley stood panting as she placed hers hands on the edge of the counter "what have I done" she said to herself before shebran over to the sink, pushing her fingers down her throat making herself throw up. Ensley fell down to the floor and pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, so that sje was curled up in a ball. As the tears fell down her face. "I'm so disgusting....I'm so fat and ugly....everyone's better off without me, I hurt everyone who comes near me" ensley said to herself as tears ran down her face.

Ensley walked downstairs. She didn't eat her breakfast. She drank some water. Maxine and Steph walked in. Ensley rolled her eyes "anyone would think your her mother" Ensley mumbled "shut it Ensley, im not her mother but I sure am yours" Steph said

They walked to the car and steph drove them to school. Steph smiled "eddie and me have decided your allowed back with chloe" "seriously" Ensley asked. Steph nodded "we think you've suffered enough" Ensley smiled and got out of the car and walked over to find her best friend. Ensley walked into the school to see Chloe eyeing up max tyler, Ensley rolled her eyes "oi slut" Ensley said and chloe smiled and walked over to Ensley "its my whore....have you lot weight" chloe asked, chloe always noticed the small things "maybe" Ensley said "ensely, your skinny enough you cant loose anymore weight, you know that" chloe said and Ensley nodded, she knew chloe would hate her if she knew what she was doing, what she was hiding. The grieve of loosing her dad has effected her, effected her badly and even though she and steph may have agreed to try, she still felt unloved and that she was second best, especially when it came to Maxine.

Ensley sat in English, tom stood at the front and started teaching as Ensley sat chewing on to the end of her pen watching him "you so need to shag him again, your so frustrated" chloe said and Ensley kicked her under the table "ouch" "says you, you need to stop eyeing tyler up and just fuck him already if you haven't already" "what are you trying to say" chloe asked smirking "nothing slut" "whore" Tom walked over to look at ensleys work, his hands trailed up her skirt causing Ensley's breath to hitch in her throat. Chloe noticed Ensley go tense and smirked to herself very good Ensley" tom said as he walked away and Ensley let out the breath that she was holding "he defiantly wants you again and based on how tense you were Id say you want him to" chloe said as Ensley looked to tom and they held eye contact "you have no idea, you have no idea just what id give to have him" Ensley said "even if it involved mummy finding out" "fuck mum" "no thanks id rather fuck max tyler" chloe said "im sure you would" Ensley said as she bite her lip watching tom.

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