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Ensley lay in bed, the room was spinning, she felt as if she was going to be sick. Ensley grabbed a bottle ofof to the side and took a sip of water. As she stood up and walked over to her mirror, she looked at her reflection, elEnsleybwas nothing but skin and bone but she didn't see herself like that, all she saw was a fat girl looking back, the girl was her. Ensley got ready for school, her blouse was loose of her and the blazor she wore hung off of her shoulders, like a tent. There was a knock at the door "yeah" ensley said as steph walked in, steph walked on other to ensley and looked to her. "Ens, are you okay" steph asked she was concerned, she knew that something was going on with her daughter  "I'm fine, mum" ensley said as she closed her eyes as she felt as I'd there was a dizzy spell coming over her "your my daughter, and I know when something is up with you" steoh said "its a bit late to start caring now" ensley spat and steph bite her lip "I am your mother and you are my daughter, I don't care if you hate me or what, respect ensley is it to much to ask for" steph said and ensley looked at her and rolled at her eyes "I am worried about you ensley, you lost a load of weight" Stephen said "no, I haven't I'm a fat mess, a fat pathetic mess" ensley said tears running down her face "ensley" Stephen said "get out, get out of ny room" ensley yelled and Steph looked at her and sighed, she wasn't going to let this slid.

Ensley got to school school and met up with Chloe, ensley sat in registration as Chloe walked in after her and frowned handing her a bottle of water "here, drink you look like shit" Chloe said and ensley glared at her "thanks" ensley said as she rolled her eyes "are you drunk agsin" Chloe asked as she seen ensley looked hungover "no, I don't feel well" ensley said "your not pregnant are you" Chloe asked "as if, you have to have sex, I haven't had sex in weeks" ensley said as the bell rang.

Ensley and Chloe sat in the canteen at break "I got you a plate of chips" Chloe said as she placed them in front of ensley "I'm not hungry" ensley said pushing the plate away and ran her hands through her fingers through her hair, Chloe looked at ensley and sighed "ens" "I'm fine Chlo....I'm not hungry" ensley siadbas tom stood across the hall watching ensley, he knew that something was up with ensley. Ensley and Chloe walked out of the hall as Stephen walked over "Chloe can I speak to you" steoh said "ugh sure" Chloe silaid as ensley walked off only to be grabbed by tom. She looked at him "we need to talk" he said and she nodded.

Chloe stood in the hall with stoeh "I need to know the trusth Chloe, what is ginig on with my daughter" Stephen asked and Chloe sighed "honestly, I don't know...she won't talk to me" "is she starving herself" Stephen asked "I cnat any miss, sorry" Chloe said walking off.

Ensley and tom stood in his classroom "want to tell me, what's going on" tom asked and ensley shrugged "cut the crap ensley, ever since you pushed me a way on the club I knew something was up, your anorexic aren't you" tom asked and ensley looked at him "no, I'm just not hungry, I'm disgusting" ensley said and tom walked over to herb"no, your beautiful" tom said as a tear fell down her face "I'm really not.....your better off without me tom, I'm a mess" ensley said as she ran off. Ensley ran out of the school and stood in the car park she started to cough and looked to see she had blood on her hands, she had coughed blood up. Choose spotted ensley outside and ran after her "ens" Chloe called as she ran over to her, Chloe spotted the blood "what happened" Chloe asked as ensley felt dizzy and looked at Chloe before she fell to the floor. "Oh my god" Chloe said gasping bending down to her best friend "ensley....ensley, wake up.....ensley, dont you dare leave me, ensley" Chloe yelled trying to get ensley to wake, but it was no use "ens" Chloe siad as a tear fell down her face, she was scared of loosing ensley.

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