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Ensley sighed as she stood in the hospital room. She was finally being discharged, she wasn't sure if she was ready. Ready to go back to normality, Ensley ran a hand through her hair. She picked up her phone to see that tom was avoiding her messages, she sighed thinking that he was avoiding her, that he was discussed in her, She didn't blame him. She had pushed him away too much that she wouldn't b surprised if he wanted nothing more to do with her. Ensley sat on the bed as Steph walked in, Steph smiled at Ensley and Ensley sighed as she looked at the paper work in her hands "what's that" Ensley asked and Steph bite her lip unsure whether or not she was ready to tell Ensley "mum, please its too with me, I have a right to know" Ensley said as steoh sighed and nodded. "there food diary's, to recording your eating. The doctor wants them, and he wants you to go see a food and nutrition specialist as well as a therapist" "im not crazy" Ensley snapped "i never said you were, its only to help you, talk through everything, About your dad even and from now on, you will eat with me, breakfast, lunch dinner" Steph sad "i am not eating with you at school, that's embarrassing" Ensley said "yes you are, as until we can trust you to no starve yourself you'll be do as I say" Steph said as Ensley sighed "come on, lets go" Steph said as she grabbed Ensley's bag and Ensley sighed as she walked out to the car.

Ensley got home, she just wanted to sit in her room and go to sleep "no, food Ensley" Steph said "god sake" Ensley said as she walked into the kitchen. Steph placed a sandwich and a few crisps in front of Ensley, she sighed to herself as Steph and Maxine stood around waiting for her to eat. she felt pressure "can you not, your making me not want to eat" Ensley said as Steph and Maxine looked sheeply. Ensley walked to her room and grabbed her phone off of her bed, she needed to get out of the house, Ensley rang Chloe and Chloe answered "yo what's up bitch" Chloe asked "hoe, I need to get out of here, im going to kill someone" Ensley said "club?" Chloe asked "club" Ensley said. Chloe was the one person who didn't judge her or force her to do anything.

That night, ensley waited until steoh went to bed and changed into a tight blue dress after the past few weeks that she had. She needed a night out. Ensley walked out of her room. She held her heels in her hand as she walked out of the house. Ensley slipped her heels on and walked off to meet Chloe. She walked into the club to see Chloe, Chloe smiled at her " I got you some shots, unless your starving yourself of that to" Chloe said and ensley rolled her eyes knowing that Chloe would joke about the stupid decision she made. Ensley downed a few shots as she felt the buzz, knowing that this would helping get her mind of being the girl with the eating disorder. "Well look who it is" Chloe said and ensley looked over her shoulder to see tom. She felt her heart drop, she hasn't spoken to him since before she was in the hospital. "Come on, I want to talk to his friend, he looks fit" Chloe said and ensley rolled her eyes as she walked over to tom "ensley, how are you" tom asked and ensley smiled "I'm good" ensley said and tom smiled "I'm glad" ensley said as Chloe looked to them "who's your mate, he's hot" Chloe said and ensley rolled her eyes at Chloe's bluntness "this is max, max Tyler" tom said as Chloe smirked "your fit" Chloe said

Ensley and Chloe hadn't drank a few more shots and danced. Ensley stood on the dance floor when she felt a pair of hands on her hips. "I love this dress, though I prefer what's under it, I haven't had that in a long time" tom saidk and ensley groaned "where to tours or mine" ensley asked as tom smirked "where heading back to mine for a few drinks are you coming" max asked tom "or his" Tom said and ensley smirked. Ensley stood in the kitchen with tom, Chloe and max had headed upstairs to get to know each other better. "Did you get my texts" ensley asked "I did, sorry I didn't reply I just wanted to give you some space" tom said as he walked over to tom. Placing his hands on her him, he leant in and kissed her. Ensley had pissed his taste, his touch. He lifted ensley onto the bench and continued to kiss her.

Ensley ran her hands through his had and groaned as his hands slid up her thighs. Tom looked to ensley and she smirked as she undid his belt and freeing his member. He pulled off her underwear and grabbed her hips pulling her closer to him and pushed into her. Ensley moaned and ran her nails down his back groaning loudly as he moved in and out of her. "I love you" ensley said as she rested her head against his. Tom smirked "I love you too ens" he said as he kissed her lips as he continued to move in and out of her at a fast pace causing ensley to moan loudly.

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