Chapter Eighteen - Grand Library

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(Dedicated to: LShaney)

Kenzie's POV

Chapter Eighteen

Azereen sat on her father's left side while a fawning Lady Portrova sat on his right. Azereen was glaring at Lady Portrova until, she noticed me entering the dinning room.

She beamed happily at me and motioned for me to sit next to her. I smiled and made my way around the table to take my seat by her. My nerves had my stomach in knots and all I wanted was to hide in my room.

Why was I expected to attend breakfast every morning with them? Probably part of my torture, I thought to myself bitterly.

Once Lord Drayven noticed me, a smile lit up his face, making me blush and making Lady Portrova scowl. Oh why did he have to smile my way when he rarely did so.

Lady Portrova's haunting icy blue eyes glared at me and I quickly cast my eyes away. I didn't want to see her look at me that way. It made me feel like she was going to rip my head off.

I didn't know what her problem was but she was giving me a death glare at the moment.

Azereen bounced a bit in her seat as she smiled at me. "I missed you," she whispered.

"I missed you too," I whispered in return and then smiled brightly at her. "Sorry for being late," I quickly added louder while looking to Lord Drayven.

His smile softened. "You're right on time actually," he replied just as servants entered and placed covered dishes before us.

The warm savory aroma of breakfast made my stomach growl and I blushed once again and looked to my now uncovered plate to see sausage, ham, bacon, eggs, and toast. It was too much food but as soon as Lord Drayven took his first bite, I began eating the eggs first.

"So Mitchell," Lady Portrova purred next to him, "are you still taking me to the Opera tonight?"

I looked between the two and caught Lord Drayven physically, even in the tiniest movement, cringe at Lady Portrova's question.

He gave her an expression that looked like he wanted to verbally thrash her, "Yes. As I already informed you moments before arriving for breakfast." He didn't look all too happy but when I glanced at Lady Portrova, she was beaming from ear to ear at me.

"Can I come too Daddy?" Azereen asked quickly, peppy.

Lady Portrova's grin quickly changed to appalling disgust and shot Lord Drayven a beady stare.

"No my dear, I'm sorry. I promised Lady Portrova's father I would escort her to the Opera alone." He looked to Azereen's pouty face and sighed heavily. "How about you and I make a date of it tomorrow night," he asked sweetly.

"Yes, please Daddy!" She bounced again before stilling herself. "And can Kenzie, come too?"

Lady Portrova snorted rather unlady like and glared evilly at me.

I cleared my throat before speaking, "It's alright Azereen. I'll stay here. That way you and your father can spend some quality time together."

Both Azereen and Lord Drayven looked disappointed but Lady Portrova looked pleased.

Azereen pouted again but this time aimed at me, "Please? You'll love it."

I shook my head, "No, maybe when I've settled in and gotten used to being here. I'm sure your father will let you take me one night." I phrased it that way on purpose so to not upset Lady Portrova whom, seemed keen to keeping Lord Drayven all to her self.

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