All is Fair in Love and War

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Dom and Lloyd sitting on the couch. Nya and I spying on them behind the plants.

They spy on us, we spy on them.

Except the difference, we know that they are spying on us, but they don't know that we are spying on them.

All is fair in love and war right?
Well in this case love.

So we came back early from our date because we were both wondering if Dom stayed with Lloyd or not.

Lloyd was trying, I repeat trying to put his arm around Dom. He failed miserably.

"I should give him pointers." I whispered to Nya.

"You have good pointers." Nya said kissing me on the cheek.

I blushed. " T- thanks Nya" I said.

Anywho, back to the present.
So there they were, awkward. Lloyd was trying to put his arm around Dom. Dom completely oblivious to what was happening with Lloyd.

I slapped my face, and Nya looked concerned. I smiled, "I was just embarrassed for Lloyd." I tell her.

She still looked concerned when she turned back to face the awkward couple.

They were perfect for each other. Lloyd trying to be cool but failing, Dom on the other hand didn't notice.

Finally, Lloyd made his hand slip around Dom. Just as Dom noticed, Kai and Cole walked in the door.

Lloyd and Dom separated instantly. Kai comes tromping in and states in the loudest voice possible, "why are you and Nya behind the potted plant, Jay?"

Lloyd looked and stuttered, "Y- you were there the whole time?"

"Yup sure was."

Dom turned red, and Lloyd clunched his fists.

"Jay..." he said in a low but deadly tone. Yes I heard this tone before, it means run. Fast. Very fast.

I ran past Nya, the potted plant, a confused Cole and Kai, and right out the door.

I ran but I didn't hear Lloyd's screams behind me. I slowed down and hid behind a barrel, just in case he was following me.

I slowly walked back into the game room and everyone was settled on the couch watching 'Electronics for Idiots'.

"Ooo I love this movie." I stated. But I stopped speaking when I got some angry glares from my fellow teammates. That's my cue to shut up.

I sat next on Nya on the couch, it's our special spot. I glanced around and I saw Cole sitting next to Nya, Kai next to Cole, and then Lloyd and Dom, sitting on the love seat.

Dom and Lloyd were sitting pretty close but not that close. Apparently it was to close for Kai. Standing up he looked at Lloyd and Dom walked over to them then low and behold he sat between them! I mean I know he is over protective about Nya, but Lloyd!?

Dom looked confused but scooted over so there was enough room for Kai.

All of a sudden Lloyd stood up and 'claimed' that he was going outside. He took Dom's arm and lead her outside.

"Kai!" Nya exclaimed. "They were so cute together! And you ruined it!"

"Sorry there were to close for comfort." Kai protested.

"Why would you care you aren't even related to Lloyd so why are you so protective over him. He can take care of himself." Nya said reaming Kai out.

"Well we are all 'brothers' here and I'm the oldest, most important brother, and the more mature one may I remind you, and Lloyd the younger one, the inexperienced one. So I thought that because I know nothing about this girl except that her uncle was an evil villein, that I shouldn't let Lloyd date her before I question her." Explained Kai.

Coley-boy whined. "I though I was the oldest?"

We ignored him.

"Just because her uncle was evil doesn't mean she is! And secondly she made us all have our powers back, and that wasn't mean was it." Nya ranted.

"B-but but. Ugghhhh!" Kai screamed his face red with anger. And with that he stormed out of the room.

"Well that went well," came Coles little voice out of the silence.

"Yup, very well," I said answering Cole's question.

"I have an idea," Cole stated with a boyish grin, "we can go spy on Lloyd and Dom."

"Ooo like we haven't been doing that all night." Nya said rolling her eyes.

"Well I wasn't here and I really want to do it!" Cole said stomping his feet.

Ok then, determined.

"Fine we can go and spy," Nya said sounding defeated. "But only on one condition."

"what's that?" Cole and I asked.

"We do it my way."


Hey guys my lovable little sis (aka banana or blackbanana) wrote this chapter and I think she did a pretty good job if I do say so myself.

Her question is....(like I never ask her for a question XD)
What do you think Nya's plans gonna be?

Comment, comment, comment. And vote. :)

My sis says that she will read every comment and will treasure it like was her own pet. 😂(sometimes I seriously wonder about her).

bluebajoons and blackbanana

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