Short, Sweet, Direct but not Direct

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"Jay? Muffin? You ready for the date?"


"Okie dokie. I'll be out it two minutes. Let me get my coat and shoes."

Tonight I am out with Nya. Kai, Cole, Zane and Lloyd won't be bothering us tonight.

Kai and Cole are going to the movie theaters to watch The Big, Bad Beast.

Apparently it's a horror movie. If it's good I am going to take Nya there. Good plan right?

Anyway, Zane has to do an order or something with Sensei since it's his turn.

Lloyd? Haha. Lloyd's staying home. By himself. He was going to go with Cole and Kai but...somehow the tickets ran out.


We good.

So then Lloyd insisted on going with Zane and Sensei because he didn't want to be home alone. But Zane politely told him that it wasn't his turn and to get lost.

So...Lloyd decided to try to come with Nya and I but I told him otherwise. I may or may not have hinted to him that he should go on a date himself. Like with a certain someone.

They are so cute! Well, I think so. He stutters when ever she delivers the mail.

(For those who have read the New Ninjago Adventure by Alloydgat0rs you know this person. For those who don't I suggest you go read it.)

"JAY! I am ready!"

"Coming, muffin!"

I hop out off the couch and grab my coat that is laying on it. Then I ran to Nya's room and opened the door.

There stood my girlfriend.

My Gorgeous girlfriend.

I sighed and offered my arm out to her. She giggled and took it.

She was wearing a red dress with black ankle boots. Around her neck was a stunning silver necklace plus a bracelet placed around her small wrist. Her hair was brushed and hung neatly around her head and her brown eyes were sparkling.

She's so cute.

I love her.

We walked happily down the hallway and up to the deck of the bounty.

Once we were on the deck Kai and Cole were there also. They were smirking and snickering at Lloyd.

Lloyd blushed madly and was stuttering to her.

She's here!

Nya and I walked up to Cole and Kai.

"Who's gonna drop a hint for Lloyd?" Kai asked.

"Oooo me!" Cole snickered. "I'll tell Lloyd to have fun tonight by himself and tell him he should ask someone out tonight. That's a good hint don't ya think?"

Let me think for a minute. Uhhhh, no.

"It's too long Cole." Nya explained. It has to short but sweet. Direct but not direct. Got it?"

"Okay..." Cole said nodding his head slowly. "It sounds like you've done this before Nya."

"I have."

"Oh! I got one! This is sure to get Greenie blushing like crazy." Kai whispered exclaimed. "It's short but sweet. Direct but not direct. You wanna hear it?"

I nodded along with Cole and Nya.

"Okay. It goes like this," he paused and took a deep breath. "Go out with Dom. There short and direct."

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