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So Dom left later in the afternoon. Ends up she promised to come back soon.

Haha. A little crush on Lloydkins, Dom?

BWHAHAHA WE DID IT! I did a boogie around the room.

We got Lloyd and Dom together.

Well, not together together. Like not as a couple...yet. But still.

I think we did a pretty good job, if I do say so myself.

We got them both 'crushing' on each other that's a step. A BIG STEP.

I danced around the couch.

"Jay sit down we need to figure out the next step!"

I forgot they were here. I sat down. "Haha. Sorry I just got a little shocked that our plan actually worked."

"It was my idea you know. I knew it would work. After all, all we had to do was go with the flow." Nya stated smiling.

"Well, it was my cake." Cole said holding the mushy mess in his hand. "With out it the plan would've never worked." He smirked and took a bite.


Who wants a cake that tastes like chocolate and metal?

Not me. 

Rolling his eyes Kai said. "How was that supposed to be a pun Coley-boy?"

"Hey, its my cake. Don't mock."

"His cakes have feelings too." I chuckled imitating Coles voice.

"Yeah. Your right it does. But if I want I can make it pound you till your face is stuck in the earth."

Kai laughed. "Apparently, it can threaten people too."

"Apparently." I mimic Coles voice  once more.

Cole glared at me.

Nya ignored us and rolled out a diagram of the bounty on the table. She started randomly scribbling and circling things.

"My turn!" Kai announced. Then he said in the deepest voice I ever heard Kai speak. "All you had to do to get them together was to add a little heat to their heart."

"Hey, that's pretty good!"


"Pretty good!" I mimicked.

"Jay, shut up."

"Jay, shut up."

"Jay...." Cole threatened.

I cheekily smiled. "What?" I asked innocently.

He glared at me as Nya threw her pencil down. "There!" She exclaims. "Now boys come here and look at this. This is what we are going to do when Dom comes back."

I walk over to where she was standing and studied the paper.

There was a huge circle around 5 figures. Underneath it said us. Then an arrow pointed away from us and it there was another circle with two figures standing. Under that it said, them.

"Wow. I can totally see where your going with this." Kai said standing across from me.


"Umm. No. sorry sis."

Cole chewed with his mouth open making crumbs fall onto Nya's plan. "What's with the arrow?"

"That's leads us to Dom and Lloyd. Or known as Lominque."

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