We don't like Jays hair

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So just before we went to Whoa Potato, we went back to the Bounty to dress up in our costumes.

They are going to love my costume.

Yes, they don't even know what my costume is. BWHAHAHA. Don't you feel the power?

I do!

It's so unique. So...


I scrambled down to my bedroom. Slammed the door and quickly changed. Once, I was done I glanced in the mirror.


Running up stairs I heard laughter. I burst through the door eager to see what the commotion was all about. 

There stood Cole and Kai.

In there outfits.

The joggers outfit.

They look like twins!

They both had the same clothes the only difference was that Kai's was red and Coles was black. They both had dark shades on, shorts and a tank top. On top of that they each had a headband. Kai had black headband while Cole had red.

Cole and Kai wear laughing and pointing to Zane who walked around like Dracula. His long dark haired wig flapping around in the breeze. His cape touched the ground as he turned to us and did and evil laugh. "According to my calculations this seems to be a good idea to have a little visit with Dom and Lloyd." He then sneakily scampered out the door almost running into Nya.

I chuckled. Zane's usually the calm one. It's so weird to see him hyper.

It must be his funny switch.

Nya appeared and looked worried as she watch Zane disappear. "What's going on!? What are you wearing?! Jogging outfits, a evil maniac scientist, and a ninja? AND WAS THAT ZANE WHO WAS THE SCIENTIST!?"

She sounded shocked at the last one.

Nya turned questionably to Kai who was hiding behind Cole.

"Kai, why on earth are you and Cole dresses in a jogging outfit?"

"Well ya see," he began awkwardly stepping out from behind Cole. "We are going to a costume party at..."

Cole and I glared at Kai.

"At Whoa Potato," He finished, after giving us a boyish grin.

I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah!" Cole nodded his head like a hundred times. "And it starts in like thirty minutes!"

"Okay." Nya began not sounding convinced. She walked around us studying our clothes. "I have one question."


"Why is Jay in his uniform if your going to a costume party?"

What!? This is not my uniform. "Uh, kissy boo this isn't my uniform." I explained. I then jumped onto the couch and made a superhero pose. "This is my costume!"

Everyone in the room blinked.

"It is? That's lame." Cole announced. "It looks exactly like your Gi."

"It's a copy!" I smiled. "And it was much cheeper then our actual Gi."

"Lame." Kai echoed Coles words.

"You cannot go to a party like that, Sugar toast." Nya said. She pushed me off the couch and sat me down in a chair. "I'm gonna buy you a new outfit." She decided.

She left the room in a hurry. "DO NOT LEAVE THE BOUNTY, JAY! STAY IN THAT SEAT!"

Sometimes I wonder if I love her too much.

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