Museum of Artifacts

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"SENSEI WE ARE HERE! WHATS WRONG? WHY ARE WE IN TROUBLE? IS THE WORLD COMING TO AN END?" Kai exclaimed dramatically as we ran onto the bounty. We halted in front of Sensei and a cop?

What's a cop doing here? Ooo maybe he was a spy for us at cop headquarters!

The cop and Sensei Wu exchanged a few words. Then the cop dipped his head, walked of the bounty and drove away in his cop car. Sensei bid him a farewell before turning to us with an angry look on his face.


Well? Ummm weeeeell....

I stood there puzzled along with my teammates. I looked at Cole then shrugged, who looked at Kai then shrugged, who looked at Zane then shrugged, who looked at Lloyd then shrugged, who looked at me then shrugged.

Okay so. Nobody know what he is talking about.

"Well?" Sensei demanded once more.


Lloyd being the leader of the team step forward. "I am sorry uncle. We don't exactly know what you are talking about."

Exactly? I don't know what he is talking about.

Sensei turned his back on us. And with his bamboo stick in his right hand he smacked it on the floor. "I leave for a few hours. I though you were more experienced and more capable then this ninjas." His talk was in the strict teacher voice.

Cole and Kai glanced at each other startled. Lloyd looked nervous and stared at the ground. Zane had a sad look on his face. And me? I was just puzzled.

I don't think any of us have a clue on what he is talking about. Other then that he is disappointed in us.

"WHERE WERE YOU? You have a job ninjas. Next time. Next time I expect more from this team." He shook his head and walked into the control room.

We stood in silence before Cole pipped up. "Sooo, what did we do wrong?"

I shrugged. "I haven't got the slightest idea."

Zane was gonna say something before he frowned.

"What's wrong Zane?" Kai said before I could ask. "You look confused."

"I am confused, Kai. What-."

"A nindroid confused that's the first!" Cole exclaimed cutting off the white ninja.

Zane being annoyed and glaring at Cole asked. "What was that cop doing here?"

We all froze for a few seconds.


A few hours later.

"Okay so. What did Sensei Wu say? Something about a museum?" Lloyd asked from his motorbike as we raced across town.

Kai answered back from his motorbike. "Yeah. A break in at a museum. Is it just me. Or is there something going on with museums. They always seem to be broken into."

"That's because museums have rare and priceless artifacts in them, Kai." The ice ninja explained from his new and improved motorbike. "Making them billions of dollars."


"What's the museums name?" Cole asked. "Hopefully it's a Museum about cake." He added with humor.

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