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"Oooooo! They are playing The DragonKeeper in theaters...TODAY! Can we go! Please!? It will only take a minute! I saw the previews and it looks so cool! There's this guy you see and he controls the dragons and his girlfriend doesn't know. Now when...-." I started rambling when we flew passed a random theater in New Ninjago City. Of course, my friends groaned and even a few rolled there eyes.


Anyway, Zane started 'speeching' about how we are on a mission and how we cannot put off what could be done today and bla bla bla bla bla blah and so on and so forth. While Cole the leader of our group went ahead of us.

And my love? Oh, she stayed by me, I mean after all, I am her big dreamy muscular boyfriend. Who else would she go to?

...oh wait. Don't answer that please.

"And the whole theme is, who controls the dragons? But in reality it's actually the dragons who control themselves." I finished.

Nya gave me that gorgeous smile of hers and told me, "that's nice, Jay."

Wait. That's it? Is that all she's going to say after I explained the whole movie to her!?

I grinned nervously as I glanced at her. She turned away from me and focused on the path ahead.

Ahh. Yup that is it. I see how it is.


I heard a few gasps down below, as we passed a few citizens who were watching us fly by with awe. Well, let's just say that awe turned into horror. A few of them screamed and ran into buildings. One even knocked over a garbage can.


Cole and Zane were a few miles ahead of us sitting on the top of a building with their dragons. Shouting at the top of their lungs to get our little butts over there.

I didn't realize that we actually stopped in mid air, to talk about The DragonKeeper.

Oh, umm oops?

Nya and I quickly flew to them. We unpoofed our dragons and quickly stood next to them. Zane was already planning the next step as we over looked the city.

"So, obviously we are short handed, by two." He started. "I think it would be best if we searched in four different areas where the bomb could cause the most damage." He glanced at Cole who nodded. "I think it would be best if we go in our best element. For example. I would take the town center that is where Borg Industries used to be and I am very good with technology. Pixal would also be a great help."

"Nya, I think you should head towards the docks. There's a lot of water and that is your element so that would be the best for you. Check all the shipments going in or out." He paused.

"Jay, I suggest you take the factories. A lot of inventing is going on there and your good at going through blueprints and such. Keep your Com on because I have a high suspicion that something's going on in there. " I nodded turning my com that was on my wrist already on.

The com is short for communication device. It is like a watch except with a speaker that you can receive and send messages. It has a GPS and a few other things.

I made them.

"Cole, you go under the city. Check the sewers and even ask Scales to look out for weird activity. You have the earth element so if something does happen you could fight an army pretty well by yourself until back up comes." Zane swallowed and looked at us. "Sounds good?"

I nodded. Makes logical sense.

"Okay. Let's go. And keep your coms on!"

We all went our separate ways.

I jumped to the ground and started running. My element started to kick in and soon I was zooming all over the streets. I arrived there in a few minutes.

I landed swiftly on the roof of the first factory and glanced through the nearby skylight. I quickly spoke through my Communication device.  "Guys, I am here."



"Aww, come on I wanted to be the first one!"

"How were you so fast?"

"He's a lightning master, Nya."

I smirked and puffed out my chest in pride. I was always the fastest.

Looking down into the factory I saw many workers. Some where bending metal, others where putting tires on cars and some were making donuts?

"Guys," I hissed through my com, which was on my wrist. "They are making donuts!"

"Donuts?" Coles voice came through.


"Like the food donuts?" He sounded hopeful.

"Uhh what other kind of donut is there?"


"That's what I said earlier."

"Steal one for me please!"

I heard Nya laugh as I rolled my eyes. "Maybe next time."

Silently, I ran to each skylight. Once I was satisfied that nothing suspicious   was going on, I moved on.

By the time I went through three factories the others had made it to their posts. Awhile back Zane had requested radio silence for a few minutes, so now I was truly alone.

I was on my forth factory when I heard quiet voices. I crawled along the roof and stopped to peer down. On the street three middle aged men were talking. Quietly as a mouse I flipped down and into a dark corner of the ally.

"I still don't see why the boss would want to have half of each factory making donuts." A guy wearing a beanie said. "I mean 'e has better thing to do."

"Well, ya neva know, with bosses, I guess." The second guy took his cigarette and threw it on the ground. He stepped on it. "Bosses 're weird."

The third guy seemed to just stand there on his phone. Ignoring his buddies who were disrespecting their boss.

What's he looking at?

The two in the conversation continued before glancing at the guy on the phone. "What ya doin' anyway Timmy?"

Timmy looked up. The glowing screen reflecting off of his steel blue eyes. His green hoodie was protecting his brown hair that was brushed carelessly to the side, from the rain.

"This." He clicked a few more things on his phone.

My com beeped twice signaling that Zane didn't need radio silence anymore. Immediately my hand moved to beep my com three times saying that I need radio silence but Coles voice came through.

"Yo! Why am I even down here there's nothing!"

The three men glanced at my hiding spot, which was in a dark corner in the ally way. "Hey there's someone 'ere!"

Oh, no no no no. 



Hey guy. How's your week so far? Good, bad, not so good, or just out right EPIC?!

Eh. Mines going pretty good so far.

Where do you think the bomb is?

Comment, comment, comment! And vote :)


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