The Mohawking moose pose

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"Pant, pant, pant. Why must, pant, we train, pant, pant, this hard, pant, every single day!?" Cole explodes as Sensei lets us take a breather.

Sensei quietly sipped his tea. "Because. Dark Shadow is a new Villain, and you need to be on the top of your game!" He went back to sipping his tea.

I leaned against the wall breathing heavily. Zane came and stood next to me. I snorted in disgust.

How does he do it? How does he train just as hard as us but is not gasping for breath!?

Well, I know how. I already asked Zane that question. He explained it with so much scientific sayings. That even my geek head spun. But I got the main message.

Nindroids don't need to breath in order to survive.

That's probably how he has that underwater record. That little cheat.

I narrowed my eyes at the tin head.

Ahh, the advantages as a nindroid.

"Doesn't Kai have to be on top of his game too?" Cole states as he flops onto a nearby bench.

"Yes. Yes he does." Sensei said as he looked at Cole. "But Kai is sick. You saw him yesterday!"

"When specifically?" Cole wondered aloud. "When he was talking to the wall or kissing the flower pot?"


"Oh. I see."

I rolled my eyes. "Even I knew that Kai wouldn't be aloud to train." I announced. "Duh. It's obvious."

"Yeah! OBVIOUSLY! Coley-boy."

I look up to find Lloyd smirking and eating a green Sucker.

Where did he get the sucker?

Zane sighed. "Lets not go into this 'Obviously thing' again." He directed it to Lloyd who smiled and sucked his sucker.

"But obviously it was obvious!"

"Lloyd, my nephew." Sensei said as he sipped his tea.

"Yes, uncle?"

"Sit, down and shut up."

Lloyd looked offended as he moved to sit down.

"Now." The ancient teacher glanced up and smiled at us, making crinkles by his eyes appear. "Let us continue." He slurped his tea loudly this time. Swallowing he slammed the cup onto the ground and stood.

"Chicken flap, go."

My teammates and I quickly stood and did the pose that was called the chicken flap.

Sensei weaved in and out of us nodding. "Hippo leap, go."

Once again we all moved to positions.

"The Mohawking Moose, go."

The what...?

In the corner of my eye I saw Lloyd move into a position. I'm glad Lloyd knew this one!

I moved into the same position he was.

Sensei gasped and took his bamboo stick. He whacked each of us on the head. "No, no, no, no! It more looks like your a buck-tooth beaver! I said Mohawking Moose!"

I gulped.

What even is the Mohawking Moose? Sounds like a Moose hunting a hawk or something.

I noticed Cole whispering something to Lloyd. Lloyd chuckled inhaling sharply making the sucker, in his mouth, disappear into his throat. He started to choke.

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