The flower pot

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"Cookie dough! You taste so good, and yummy in my mouth!" I lick some chocolate chip cookie dough off a spoon. "SWEET COOKIE DOUGH!"

Zane glared at me before scooping some dough onto a pan. "You promised you wouldn't be loud. You know Kai is sick, and is taking a nap."

I made a sad face. "But I wove cookie dough." I pouted.

"Too bad."

Nya burst through the door and grabbed me by the ear. "Your supposed to be quiet! My brother is asleep and you know he has a high fever."

"Ow. Ow, ow, ow, ow. Ow! Okay. Okay! I'll be quiet! I am sorry."

My girlfriend told Zane to make some chicken soup and then quickly left the room.

Why is everyone so picky? It's just Kai, who is sick. It happens to all of us. When I am sick are they quiet for me? Noooo. Nobody is quiet for Jay Jay. They have party's, play Fist2Face6, scream and dance. But when Kai is sick immediately he must have absolute quiet. No sound at all.

I frowned and licked my cookie dough.

"May all the ninjas come to the control room. Except for you Kai. Nya stay with your brother." The speaker blared.

Talk about being quiet.

A groan was heard from the bedrooms.

"Kai no. You'd supposed to stay in bed. You heard what Sensei said."

"My duty. A-cough. As a ninja. Cough, cough."


Zane and I look at each other before
running out of the kitchen toward Kai's bedroom. Zane still had his apron on and I still had my spoonful of cookie dough in my hand.

Zane started ordering Kai to get back into his bed before he even entered the room.

We charged into the room to find Nya pushing her brother back onto his bed. "Kai please stay in bed. The faster you rest the faster you will be able to do your ninja duties."

"Don't wanna." Kai groans as he tries to stand against Nya. He fails badly as he wobbles and crashes back onto his bed. "Ow."

"That's what you deserve. Your so stubborn that you could make a stop sign move itself."

Zane and I watch as she nearly tucks Kai's blanket around him. Soon Kai was snoring.

Well, I don't think our help was needed that much.

We leave Kai's room and head towards the control room.

We met Sensei, Cole, and Lloyd. Sensei and Cole where in a serious discussion while Lloyd, on the other hand, was reading a Fritz Donagan comic.

"Lloyd you dummy," I said as Zane and I enter the room, "we are at a important meeting and your reading a comic!"

"Says the one who has cookie dough." The green ninja claimed smirking.

I licked my spoon quickly, "leave the cookie dough out of this!" I sputtered angrily.

"Oh my energy, what do you mean?" Lloyd fluttered his eyes.

Lloyd had this thing. He made stupid sayings with his power. For example he would say 'what on energy' instead of 'what on earth' or 'Oh my energy' instead of 'Oh my word.' I find it very dumb personally. Imagine if I started doing that or Kai!

"Oh my Lightning! What in the fire? What on earth? What the Ice powers! Imagine if everyone started saying that Lloyd!? Do you know how annoying that would be!?"

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