A BIG Birthday Surprise

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"What's in the game room that has you so excited, Jay? Did you win Kai's high score on fist2face7?" Zane asked halting to a stop at our bedroom.

I smiled. "Nope! It something much greater then that. Although that would be nice."

"Well, before I can see it may I go get changed?"

"Oh, yeah I forgot that your still your swimwear."

Zane disappeared into our room. He came back wearing his ninja Gi and we continued down to the game room.

"Does this 'Surprise' have something to do with me protecting you from Cole, Lloyd, or Kai?" He asked glancing at me.

I chuckled. "Nope." We turned the corner. "Hey Zane wait here. I am wondering if everything for your surprise is in place. I call you when I am ready."

He nodded.

I walked swiftly into the game room all seeing my teammates, Sensei and Nya gathered around the cake. Sensei sat on a chair drinking his tea. Nya and Kai stood shoulder to shoulder, grinning. Cole was the farthest away from the cake because he would eat it before Zane even arrived and Lloyd stood between Cole and the cake. Just as a precaution.

I signaled them to be quiet and they all nodded their heads.

"Jay? Are you okay? I don't hear anything. Can I come in? Jay?"

I quickly shut the light off.

"Jay? Why did the lights go out? Are you hurt? I am coming in!"

Footsteps echoed nearer and nearer.

Signaling to my family I counted down.





"SURPRISE!" We yelled and flicked on the light as Zane entered the room. He froze for like 2 seconds before whipping out his shurikuns and throwing them at us. We all gasped and quickly ducked as the flew into the wall behind us. He then flipped and landed on top of Kai, making him fall to the ground. Nya ran and threw Zane off her brother.

Zane growled was going to attack Kai and Nya once more but I grabbed his arms and pinned him into the ground. He struggled. "Zane stop!"

"Zane what are you doing? Trying to kill us?" Lloyd shouted and helped me to hold him down.

"It's us Zane!"

Cole went to Kai and checked to see if he was alright.

"Do I look like a boogie monster to you?"

"Students please calm yourself." Sensei Wu said setting his tea cup onto the table. "I am sure there is an explanation for these acts." He gestured for Lloyd and I to stop pinning him.

"Yes, Sensei." Lloyd and I said simultaneously and released Zane.

Zane quickly stood and glanced at Sensei. He apologized. "Sorry Sensei Wu and brothers." He nodded and each of us. "Pixal explained to me what was going on. I thought I was being under attack."

Silence filled the room until Cole started laughing. "And people saying surprise to you with a cake in the middle looked like an attack? Oh that's a hoot!"

"Well, I guess it's shocking for all of us." I said laughing.

"Oh my."

"Wow Jay."

I grinned. Jay Walker has done it again!

Nya walked up to me and kissed my cheek. "It's shocking to hear you say that Mr. Walker."

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