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Kaye POV

I'm here at the Startelle with Shanen. We are reviewing for the examinations which is just four days away. I'm really concerned with Tin since she is preoccupied in helping Primo get back that she hasn't opened a single book to review for the exams. I'm just kind of worried that she'll get bad grades because of it.

While I was browsing my notes my cellphone rang. When I looked at it, it was a message from Kiel the monkey.

MONKEY KIEL: Kaye, can we talk?

ME: [LOL. Yeah we R already talking.]

MONKEY KIEL: No, I mean personally. Me and you.

ME: [Ugh, hello. We R just lyk 3 meters apart?]

MONKEY KIEL: I have something to tell you, very important so I won't be talking to you here at the Startelle. Just msg me if ur interested.

ME: [ROFL! Lemme think abwt it. Ciao!]

"Oh my gee, Shanen!" Napatayo ako sa chair ko and looked at Shanen. She looked surprised because I startled her. "O-M-H, I don't know what to do!"

"Bakit Kaye? What happened?" I stood up and looked at the mirror. What could Kiel say to me in a very urgent manner? Is he like gonna confess to me? O-M-H- as in OH MY HEART! Just thinking about it makes my heart flutter! - but then, it could also be that Kiel is going to tell me that he chooses Mikay over me. OUCH! A BIG OUCH! "Hello? Earth to Kaye?"

"Shanen- am I pretty?" Shanen's eyes widen and placed her palm on my forehead.

"Kaye, are you sick? May masakit ba sa'yo? Anong nangyari? Ba't ka nagkakaganyan?" I removed Shanen's hand on my forehead.

"I'm definitely fine. What made you think I don't feel well?" Shanen stared at me.

"It's very unusual for someone like Kaye Delos Reyes to worry so much about being pretty. You would always be like- ehem," Shanen began mimicking my voice, "Hey everyone I'm Kaye Delos Reyes and I'm a fabulous creature! Everyone should be thankful that you could breathe the same air I breathe!- something like that."

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up, Shanen! I know, I know but I can't help but ask if I really do look pretty because-"

"Of Kiel?" My eyes widened.

"O-Of course not! N-No way, I-It's not because of him!" I need to ask her opinion without making it obvious that it's all about Kiel.. Hmm, I know! I'll make her pick between two colors- Red and black. If she chooses the color Red, it means that Kiel will be confessing to me- but if she chooses Black, then it means the contrary. And whatever Shanen chooses will be it! I will accept it full heartedly!

"Shanen, I want you to pick between red and black. No reasons, no explanations, just pick one." Shanen nodded and acted like she was thinking then she looked at me.

"I'd pick...... black!"

Agony started filling me up. Is this a sign Lord? Well whatever that may be, I promised I'll accept it so be it!

I opened my wardrobe because I still want to look my best even though I'm getting dumped. Aww, just thinking about it bruises my ego!

"Ano bang nangyayari sa'yo Kaye?" Hindi ko nalang pinansin si Shanen and searched my closet. Uhh, I haven't shopped new clothes for a while, I can't find anything I want.

I looked under my bed, I'm sure there are still a lot of clothes I have under it. I have too many clothes and three closets are sooooo not enough for it.

Fall In Love Like A Movie [COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon