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Alfred stayed on the couch. There was nothing that could make him go away, when he sensed something was wrong with Arthur.
The American swore to himself he would stay awake until Arthur falls peacefully asleep, but of course that didn't work out. Arthur wasn't able to fall asleep until 5 AM, but even then it was with pure difficulty. Alfred, on the other side, easily fell asleep only two hours after he first visited.

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Morning came sooner than expected. The sun crept through the window and easily disturbed the sleep of a certain blond Brit who was laying down on the couch. He had only gotten three hours of sleep. Ah, the satisfaction... This was the first time he had slept at all in quite some time.
He tried to get off the couch but Alfred was cuddled up to him too much to even move. Arthur squirmed from underneath his lover and sighed as there was no sign of movement or waking up from the other.
So he had to try other methods.
"Alfred, wake the fuck up." Arthur whisper-yelled and slapped the American's forehead, making him wince a bit. Realization struck Alfred soon enough, and he opened his eyes, yawning and sitting up on the couch.
"Good morning to you too." Alfred tiredly said with a smirk and stretched a little, allowing Arthur to finally sit up. The first thing Alfred noticed was the bandaid on the Brit's cheek. He wasn't able to see it any time earlier because of the way Arthur was sleeping on the couch since yesterday's visit of the American.
He raised an eyebrow at it, but thought it might have been just an incident while cooking or so, since Arthur was a really bad cook.

Arthur got up from the couch, very carefully, after a yawn or two. His hair was a complete and utter mess, but he felt less exhausted. Three hours of sleep were such a blessing to him at this point.

"Alfred, I can't believe you slept over." He said to him with a slight, airy chuckle. Of course, it was good old Alfred, as sleepy as always.
"I can. Anyway, how'd you sleep?" Alfred asked him and got up right after, stretching once more since the position on the couch wasn't exactly the most comfortable one.

Arthur didn't sleep well, that would be a lie if he said that he did. Though, it was better than usual, so why not lie like he always did when his health or emotions were in question?

"I slept well. Should I make breakfast for us?" He responded casually, his response making the American give a mocking laugh.
"Please, oh please, leave the kitchen to me. I won't even ask how you got that on your face either." Alfred said through a smirk and a giggle, brushing his fingers over the sensitive part of Arthur's cheek, making the other shiver slightly. Arthur frowned slightly but nodded in understanding. The thought of Alfred knowing how he got that scar of his made him tremble slightly inside. Everything, just not that.
"Fine, as you say. Less work for me. Also, that was nothing." Arthur replied sarcastically and rolled his eyes, following Alfred to the kitchen. He had no intention of changing his clothes since he slept in his normal, house clothing, anyway. So did Alfred.

Arthur found this strange. With Alfred, it was like he could breathe normally, at least slightly more than usually. Alfred made him feel safer, like nothing was able to hurt him when he was around. He couldn't cry, or hurt himself... It was just such a warm feeling in his heart. But he knew that as soon as Alfred would leave the apartment, everything would get back to its old self, thrashing around endlessly, crying and begging for all of it to be over. He didn't know how to stop it when he was alone.
But Alfred mustn't know. It would break him, and then break Arthur even more. All of the thoughts frustrated him and soon, he zoned out while in the kitchen with Alfred. Luckily, he was snapped out of the thought by clinging of cups and a frying pan.

"Hey, you okay?" Alfred asked him with a smile when he realized that the Brit wasn't paying the slightest bit of attention to his surroundings. He replied with a nod and a soft smile.

But he wasn't okay. He was frustrated to the highest by the thought of Alfred leaving soon after breakfast. He was too weak to make him stay, he wasn't able to simply say 'stay'.

"Alfred... How long do you plan on staying at my place today?" He got the courage to ask.
"As long as you want me to be, Arthur." Alfred replied in a soft, but serious matter, kissing Arthur on the healthy side of his cheek.

That made Arthur feel so much better.

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