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Luckily for Alfred and every other passenger on the airplane, they safely landed in the Heathrow airport in London.
Getting off the plane, the American felt really safe to finally be at home, and also euphoric to see Arthur soon. He missed his loved one dearly in the past two weeks, so seeing him would be something amazing for Alfred.

If only he knew.

Oh dear god, walking is a little bit difficult after sitting on the plane for so long. He chuckled at himself and dragged his luggage behind - the British bag that Arthur gave him - while holding on to whatever he could find around him to help him walk.

"Right... Now I should get a taxi to home." He muttered under his breath, to himself, and went searching for a taxi. He found one really soon, and finally got on it to travel home.

Home. I miss home, but it's right here. In a few minutes, I'll see Arthur again. My heart is beating so quickly I might just pass out right on spot.

Though, that would be silly in this situation so I'd rather stay conscious. I miss Arthur so much! I hope he's alright and safe at home. If we're lucky enough, Lukas already got back from Norway and maybe visited him once or twice. But I don't know if he did get back yet.

"We're  here." The taxi driver's voice snapped him out of thought, and a big smile spread across Alfred's face. He nodded and payed the man before getting out of the car. "Thank you!" He shouted in happiness and waved to the taxi, sighing and looking around him.

He was home.

So I guess I was wrong, that day, when I said I'll never see this again.

I get to see the streets of London again. And I couldn't be happier.

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"Hey, did you hear? Alfred is coming back to London today!" Elizabeta excitedly jumped out of the chair and said in a high pitched voice. Everyone felt really excited for it, though they all felt uncomfortable and knew it would be really difficult for Alfred to come home to a tragedy.

He awaited seeing Arthur for so long, but he will never see him again.

"Really? How'd you know?" Gilbert and Mathias said at the same time, breaking into a small fit of laughter because of it.

"Well, since I got Matthew's phone number that day... I know things." She looked away into the air with a victorious smirk, and Gilbert sighed with a loving smile. He loved Elizabeta like nobody else before, but sometimes she would go overboard with stalking.

"We're happy for him to get out of the hospital." Mathias said softly and Gilbert nodded in agreement.

Since that devastating day they found themselves in, the three of them got really close, so they invited Elizabeta to join them in pubs daily. She couldn't refuse that. Not only did she get to spend more time with Gilbert, but she also found pubs a really fun hang out places.

And a way to get her mind off the tragedy.

"Maybe we should prepare something in his apartment so he isn't lonely when he comes back! And also... Well... He needs someone to tell him everything when he comes back home and Arthur just... Isn't there." Gilbert's smile faltered and he averted his gaze to the floor. Everyone understood him, they were all put in the situation.

"Yeah, we should do that. Let's go now, before he's already back!" Elizabeta said a little less cheerfully than before and grabbed Gilbert's hand fiercely, making him almost jump out of his chair himself, blushing completely his own reaction.

They left the pub shortly after, turning their tracks to Alfred's apartment to which they could get in at this point at a daily basis. Elizabeta found a spare key underneath a small pillow - it gave them use when they had to go with the emergency. She kept the key after that, just in case they would need it for occasions. Like today.

"Phew, he isn't home yet." Mathias chuckled as he got into the American's apartment and closed the door behind the three of them. "So what do we do?"

"We probably have no time to draw or write anything as 'welcome home, Alfred' or so." Gilbert shrugged his shoulders, looking around the apartment a little as if he got flashbacks of the last time they had been there. It wasn't pleasant.

Elizabeta ran into the kitchen and found a box that said 'Muffins' in the cupboard, shoving them into Mathias' hands. "Make the cupcakes! It takes about fifteen minutes, I think."

"Why  me?" The confused Dane raised an eyebrow as he looked at the muffin box. He was just supposed to mix some flour and chocolate from the box, add a little decoration on and that was it. Surely it wasn't that difficult, but the muffins would still be very tasty.

"Because you bake the best out of all of us." The Hungarian girl smirked at him, and Gilbert nudged Mathias a little to the side in a joking manner.

Mathias sighed and nodded, knowing there was no way to deal with the Hungarian easily. "Fine."

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Alfred quickly found the way to his apartment, and sighed in pure happiness when he finally stood in front of the door. Firstly, he checked if it was unlocked in case Arthur forgot to lock it, and when he realized it really was unlocked, he chuckled and swiftly walked in.

"I'm home!" He raised his voice and almost shouted through the small hallway of the apartment, expecting Arthur to hear his voice.

Elizabeta, Gilbert and Mathias looked at each other in a hurry, Placing the baked muffins on the table and staying in silence until Alfred comes into the living room.

The American stepped in, and before he could say a single word, the three of them jumped in front of him, yelling out loudly. "Welcome home, Alfred!"

He laughed from happiness and already found himself being hugged by Mathias. "You baked those for me?" He said, pointed at the muffins. "Thank you." Chuckling, he soon hugged out everyone around him, telling them to be a little more careful because it still hurt him.

"We're so glad to have you home...!"

"Elizabeta, even you came? I haven't talked to you in god knows how long! It means so, so much to me, you know..." He smiled softly and she blushed a little, hugging him as tight as he accepted it.

"Of course. I care about you, Alfred. We were all very scared when it happened." The Hungarian gave a small smile and looked to the side.

Alfred enjoyed being with his friends again, but one thought tortured him as soon as he saw the three friends waiting for him in the living room.

"Where's Arthur?"


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Before you tell me anything, I know, I can't bake muffins properly so I have no idea what they put in those muffin mix box things. I did bake muffins a long time ago, but I've forgotten how.

Also, Heathrow London Airport is the busiest international airport in the world! Woah! I have heard of the airport before, but just now I have found out that it's indeed the busiest one. That's interesting.

Thanks for reading!

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