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"Just hold tight, Emma, I believe we could be alright."

"But we're going down! Alfred!!"

"Sit. Tight."

Alfred's breathing was becoming more and more rapid by every moment, he started panicking and holding on for dear life as he heard the other passengers screaming, and felt the plane going faster and faster towards the ground by every passing second.

He remembered those white lilies he kept in his pocket at this exact moment, he remembered England, all his friends, it was like his entire life was flashing before his eyes as he tried to give a quick glance towards the window... They were about to crash.

What does a man do when he is just three seconds away from death, unable to do anything about it? What do I do, goddammit? I... Can't breathe...

Okay, okay... No, no, no, no, nothing is okay, everything is falling...

I... Don't... Know... What... To... Do...

Arthur... Arthur, my dearest, Arthur... Arthur Kirkland... I love you so much...

I cannot leave him.


Oh god fuck it, stop this madness, stop it, stop it now! I can't do this!

I can't die now! NO!

Screaming in his mind, Alfred didn't even realize that he had begun screaming in real time as well. And he wasn't the only one. "NO! Stop this!" He shouted with gritted teeth, holding on to nothing, and everything at the same time.

Some passengers tried to protect themselves by running over to the backseats, but nobody managed to run behind. Some shouted and clung onto dear life, cried, shrieked of terror as they were getting closer and closer to the ground.

The moment this plane hits the ground, I'm a goner. Unless I try to somehow escape.


Are we still flying above the Atlantic ocean? Oh, god, if it's water, we're all down. I... No...

Unbeknownst to him, they were (luckily) above the clear ground, and not above the ocean.

"We're about to hit ground, we're about to hit ground! There's nothing we can do! Hold tight, don't run all at once because you'll get nowhere. Oh, goodness..." The pilot was left with merciless speed of falling down in his plane and a whole bunch of screaming passengers who all thought they were about to die.

I'll never see London again. Those beautiful streets... I...

I'll never see Arthur again.

This isn't right.

Oh god... If you're there, if it's not too late already, give us a sign... Please, we all need you.
We need a sign.

I need to live. For... Arthur...

Alfred realized, by giving a quick glance through the window, that they were just about to crash, and there was nothing any of them could have done.


Are we down yet?



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All Alfred heard were distant screams, some blurred and faint voice in the distance... Was it trying to warn him? He only heard a little bit of it, but he didn't see anything. Or feel at all.

Where am I?

What is this?

I... I can't feel anything. I can't move.

Oh goodness, I can't move, what do I do, what do I do, what...? SOMEONE HELP ME, PLEASE...!

Am I moving yet? What in the world is happening?

IT HURTS, IT HURTS, IT HURTS...! It feels like I'm burning! What?!

Shrieks of terror were coming out of every person that tried to escape the burning plane. Some of them passed out, and some were just... Unable to move at all. It was all horror and dread for every single person: the pilot and the passengers, and not everyone was meant to stay alive in this situation. Only those who manage to save themselves will not wind up dead.

Am I dead already?

Where am I?

Someone... Help me. Do you hear me? Anyone?


Alfred opened his eyes rapidly, in the span of a millisecond and gasped in pain as he finally found himself regaining the most of his consciousness... Well, at least as much as it was possible.

His entire body felt as if it was burning, and the torture of the pain was unbearable. He wasn't able to move, and didn't feel anyone around him. His vision was still very blurry, dim for the most part, and his glasses were long gone somewhere in the burning, fallen airplane.
He felt as if he was absorbed by fire, it was a different kind of sickening, horrifying pain, but he wasn't even able to scream for help. Nothing.

Little did he know, he wasn't actually burning.

The airplane was mostly on fire, and some passengers, sadly... Didn't make it out of there. Others were pulled out by those who were able to save themselves.

Alfred being one of them.

The American was laying on cold ground, filthy of smoke and ash, not moving or showing any sign of being alive. But he was. The fire around him coming from the plane was spreading, but he didn't acknowledge it the slightest. It was impossible to move, and every bone, muscle and nerve in his body hurt so badly he thought that the pain itself would kill him.

Suddenly, he felt like somebody was around him. A person, or more of them. But since his senses were all somewhere out of this world at the moment, he had no idea who, where, why, or what.

He was being carried away by two people from the emergency, they luckily arrived on time and there were more people getting carried away as well.

They all felt so guilty for those who didn't make it.

I feel strange. Is someone next to me? I'm scared again, and it hurts me a lot.

Am I getting carried away? Am I getting help?

Oh, please, let it be that.

I am more than willing to go away from whatever this place is.

Help, please...

There were police vehicles, firetrucks, and most importantly emergency vans everywhere, and some of the passengers in pain were finally getting their help that they needed so goddamn much.

It feels... Colder all of the sudden. Where did the fire go?

What is happening now?

And they were all being taken to the nearest hospital.

Will I live?

Please, please, I need to survive.

I have to live.

For Arthur.

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