Help me

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The pub was critically crowded that afternoon, and the waiters and waitresses really didn't wish for another visitor, no matter the earning it was still a lot of work. Also, it was quite stressful and tiring to deal with so many drunken customers wishing for more drinks, one after the other.

Gilbert was at the pub earlier, and that was exactly what he told Mathias: if they were going to have a meetup, it would be much more efficient and better to have it at someone's house.

Not Alfred's though, since Arthur was there.

Not Gilbert's, since his younger brother Ludwig had the house to himself as promised, so he could study and prepare for some tests in high school. After all, he was sixteen and a really good student, he needed the calming effect of being home alone.

So Mathias' place it is.

Alfred was on his way, it only took him about 15 minutes to go to his friend's place by foot, since they all lived quite close to each other. London that day wasn't quite the busiest place. Most people were off at the pubs getting drunk, others were at home studying or peacefully walking outside. The students were all preparing for their tests, though. Some at home, some at parks where it was calming to take a book, a pair of headphones and study.

As he reached Mathias' door, he pressed the doorbell and waited for someone (most likely Mathias himself) to open it.

„Alfred! Thank goodness you're here so soon! Gilbert already chugged down two freaking bottles of beer. You're gon' have none soon." Mathias happily said, grinning widely as he opened the door to his American friend.

Alfred chuckled weakly, finding it amusing but he was still very exhausted.

„Better get in soon, then. Which movie are we up to watch?"

„Well, you'll be surprised." Mathias said as he let him in and closed the door behind the two of them. „I wanted to watch a horror or something like that, but Gilbert insisted on watching Midnight in Paris. I'm tellin' ya, love got to him!" The Dane chuckled.

Alfred got himself soon confortable and sat on the couch next to Gilbert, who grinned happily at his best friend being here. „What do you mean love got to him? Is Gilbert in a relationship I haven't heard about yet?"

„Dude, you missed a lot in a week. Beilschmidt found a girlfriend!" Mathias chuckled and sat next to them.

As much as Alfred was mad at Gilbert for saying all those things earlier, he wanted to have a good time and try to zone out his mind from all the back thoughts about Gilbert's words and of course, Arthur. Hopefully he was able to do that, since a part of him was still furious at the German.

„You're kidding, right?"

„Elizabeta is not my girlfriend! I'm pretty sure she's into girls anyway. I mean, she always checks out other girls, and dammit, she acts like a dude." Gilbert pouted, blushing as he tried to oppose Mathias' words.

„Psh, yeah, that's why you held hands with her and kissed her goodnight." The Danish man smirked and nudged Gilbert, who playfully pushed him away.

„I am telling you goddammit! Just because you two got your princesses, doesn't mean I have to!"

„Excuse me, but I'm pretty sure my boyfriend isn't a princess." Mathias broke into a fit of laughter and took a sip of beer from the bottle which was previously standing on the small table in front of the TV.

„Fuck, you're so right. Lukas once punched me so hard I fell butt to the floor." The German rolled his eyes and chuckled at the memory, before looking over to Alfred who seemed very quiet during their entire conversation. Usually, Alfred would be the damned protagonist! Why was he like this all of the sudden?

„Alfred, you're really quiet." Gilbert gave him a worried glance and nudged him a bit to the opposite direction. At that gesture, Alfred finally found the strength to turn and face him.

„O-oh, I was? Sorry. Guess I'm just thinking."

Gilbert frowned at the answer, and before he was able to speak up, Mathias said something first.

„Alfred, lose the tension. He's gonna be alright, you need to relax and you really, really need to get some sleep later." He smiled with care and placed a hand on Alfred's shoulder.

„I'm trying to relax." The American defensively said and frowned.

„No, you're not. Blankly staring at the television is not relaxation."

„B-but the movie is playing and nobody is watching. So I want to watch it." Alfred said, but that didn't work either. Gilbert inwardly groaned, rolling his eyes, and Mathias sighed sadly.

„Just try it. Here, take some beer, too. Beer always helps."

„Fine." Alfred sighed and took the bottle.

„That's the Alfred Jones we know", Gilbert smirked and joined him in drinking.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Arthur was home alone.

It was not a nice feeling at all, but he knew he wasn't always going to be able to keep Alfred by his side. His lover needed freedom and he was going to respect that completely.

It was just... A strange, uncomfortable feeling, the one he didn't experience in a week – oh, hell.

The clouds were towering over his head, blurring his vision and blacking him out for a moment. The cup of tea he was holding that moment ended up on the floor, and he could swear he heard porcelain crash and fluid spill.

He would NOT allow himself to have a breakdown now.

Think of something nice, Arthur, think of something you love...

It didn't work, though. He tried to use the technique from all those mental health books he'd gotten from Lukas, but it just wasn't goddamn working.

He was about to break down, and nothing could stop it.

No, no, no, no... Not now...

Seven days was his new record in not having a breakdown.

Arthur swiftly stood up from the bed and ran off to the small bathroom, running in and slamming the door behind himself before he slid down and fell onto the floor, panting furiously and tears rolling down his cheeks without him even noticing about that detail.

Suddenly, all he saw was darkness, but he wasn't out. What was happening?

Darkness was surrounding him, pulling him into its embrace – this had never happened during a breakdown, ever before.

„Help... me..." He barely muttered, weakly, before he didn't know anything at all.

He blacked out and collapsed on the cold bathroom floor.


  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 


Well I hope you enjoyed that little feel trip!

I'm back from holidays, so expect very frequent updates since I have a laptop and 2 months of summer. XD 

Also yeah, I'm a big PruHun shipper, and I also felt like I needed to throw in diversity in relationships. Hope ya like that too, I think it makes a nice addition!

Thanks for reading!

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