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Alfred was laying down in the hospital bed, staring at the ceiling which was blurred because of his worsened vision and lack of glasses, thinking about when he could get out of this damned hospital and finally... Finally see Arthur.

I can't wait here forever. I have to see him. 

I'm so alone.

Is that how he feels right now?

Oh, Arthur...

Matthew had gone home since visits were over, leaving his younger brother alone, swirled in his own dark and mournful thoughts.

I feel like I'm about to burst. I can't move my arms at all, I can just barely feel my legs and my head hurts so fucking bad. 

I miss Arthur.

Why is everything going down lately?  First, Arthur's sickness is revealed. Then, I get called to a travel and have to leave him alone. Then... I...

He shivered slightly and made a slight grimace at the thought of the plane crash, and a few tears manage to escape his cloudy eyes.

Then this happens. Is there anything else? What could happen to make it worse?

Whatever it is, it probably will.

I'm in no luck.

Trying to escape those thoughts, Alfred looked aside a little, as much as he was able to turn his head, and spotted that the television he had in the room was, luckily, on.

Some childish cartoon channel. 

I guess it's better than nothing.

He sighed an tried his best to get his mind lost in the pictures, as much as he had seen them.
The doctors told him that his vision wasn't just worse because of the exposed eyes, but also because the smoke and the fire that he survived after the airplane crashed worsened it.

It was a terrible, terrible feeling of helplessness.

Luckily, he would be getting new glasses soon, with a lot bigger diopter - much to his displeasure.

Hopefully they don't keep me here for long.

I don't care what it takes to go over the Atlantic ocean, I'm coming home.

I'm coming back to Arthur.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Get him into the van quickly!

Drive to the ambulance quicker! Quicker!

Is he going to be alright?

Hurry up. Stay by his side, Julia.

You three, stand there. He'll be alright. I hope.

The three nurses were panicking as they were giving their best care to Arthur on their way to the ambulance. Luna, the main nurse,  had never experienced something so extreme as having a person halfway to death. She was almost shivering, but her expression stayed the same.

Mathias, Elizabeta and Gilbert were all struck by this completely. They had no clue would Arthur survive this or not, and if he doesn't... Alfred would be devastated.

To hell with it all, they would all  be devastated.

When they finally arrived, all six of them jumped out of the emergency's van, Emilia and Julia carrying Arthur while Luna lead them all inside a white building which resembled the hospital.

It's been a week and two days since Arthur was here.

Elizabeta tightly held Gilbert's hand as the three of them walked in, Mathias last since he was struck by this the most. His boyfriend was Arthur's best friend, and his best friend was Arthur's boyfriend. Of course he would be affected by this greatly! He didn't want Arthur to pass away yet either.

Deep down, they all cared for the Brit. Even the Hungarian, Elizabeta.

As they finally brought a motionless Arthur Kirkland into the emergency room, the three friends stayed behind and sat themselves in the hallway, also known as the waiting area.

Elizabeta was shaking and clinging onto the German, who just embraced her and bit his lip so he wouldn't cry as well. Mathias sat on the opposite chair of them, his face buried in his hands.

"D-do you think Arthur will make it...?" Elizabeta spoke up quietly, and Gilbert didn't want to respond at all. He had no idea. Arthur's breathing stopped every once in a while, giving the three nurses much more panic and stress to deal with when around him.

"I... I don't know." Mathias blankly responded, not raising his head to look at the two of them.

"I-if he doesn't?" Gilbert dared to ask the question, though it hurt him to say it out loud.

"Then... Alfred will be ruined." The Dane answered to the question once again.

Inside of the emergency room, a certain blonde Brit was struggling to stay alive. His breathing was strictly uneven, and his body was completely numb - every ten seconds, they would almost lose him, and the three nurses would just freeze every time it happened.

Because every time it happened, it might be the last time it ever did.

"Emilia, please stop panicking. How are we supposed to get anything done around him if you're being so childish?" Julia, the long haired Swedish nurse, lectured the smaller Norwegian sister in her usual deep and intimidating voice.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Emilia muttered and helped set Arthur onto the bed, gently taking his less damaged arm to place in a needle, connecting it to a tube hanging right next to the bed - they were putting him on infusion. Just in case.

Luna was dealing with the pulse this entire time. It seemed to be almost hesitant, as if the breathing was trying to be as slow as it could be. "Dammit, we're losing him again..." She muttered to herself and realized that his pulse was going all the way to a zero and a straight line, and not just to a very low point.

"Wait, wait, wait! We're actually losing him! Emilia! Julia! Help out here, would you? Get the defibrillators! Now!" She shouted in panic as the smaller Norwegian handed her the device.

In a matter of seconds, she pressed it onto Arthur's chest, counting down in her mind, before releasing.

Nothing happened.


Come on, come on, come on, we can't lose him now, we simply can't! 


"Try again, Luna." Julia advised her, earning a slight death glare from the older Norwegian sister.

"It's not working, it's not working! I can't bring it up high enough, we're losing him goddammit!" She yelled out quite loudly, scaring the other two nurses.

A moment.

A second.

A minute.


"He's... He's..." Luna was shaking, her eyes widened and her neutral expression changed to a shocked one. 

"Luna..." Emilia gasped in shock as she clung onto her older sister.

"He's gone." 

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 


Okay but I'm really really sorry for this - i HAD to. It was my idea since I have begun writing this fanfiction and right now I just did this go with the flow  thing. 

On a side note, defibrillators are those devices used to shock the person who is losing their pulse, so it would bring it back up. I actually got a hold of one myself. It's scary.

It doesn't always work, though. 

Thanks for reading!

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