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Alfred and Emma were enjoying the flight together, sometimes talking and sometimes just staring through the window to see how gorgeous and wonderful nature looked from above. Flying over the Atlantic ocean was fairly dangerous, even with the safest airline, but Alfred was comfortable since it wasn't his first flight.

Though, Emma seemed to be really affectionate and somewhat scared of the flight, so she every so often clung onto Alfred, and he hugged her back knowing that a simple hug could make her feel a bit more relaxed.

"Relax, it's going to be fine." Alfred chuckled as Emma let out a short squeal and held him by the hand. They were getting comfortable with each other, and Alfred could swear if he ever saw this girl again after the flight, they would probably be very good friends.

"It's exciting, but so scary!" Emma said in a high pitch voice, very much like a child, and leaned onto Alfred for safety. 

Well, Alfred was always a little scared, but he would never admit it. So Emma's presence was quite the comfort to him as well.

And they were like that for quite some time, the flight going on fairly peacefully and Alfred almost falling asleep - but Emma woke him up as she was still a little scared.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Arthur was so alone.

Only an hour had passed since Alfred had left London, and Arthur felt such a boiling tension inside of him. The one he hadn't felt in months yet - a different kind of tension.

Ah, that's right. Alfred was nowhere in the near, and he was in danger, obviously... A plane wasn't something to be completely trusted. At least in Arthur's mind.
The last time he had felt like this was before he started dating the always cheerful American.

So goddamn alone.

Nobody he dearly loved was around, and what was worse than leaving a miserable Arthur Kirkland alone with his own thoughts?

I promised him I would not hurt myself while he's gone. Come on, Arthur, come on, you can keep your promise... Just think of something to take your mind off Alfred. If it is even possible to do it.

Maybe I should listen to some music.

But I cannot get up. I'm in trance by the ceiling and I can't move.

Maybe it's better if I stay mentally paralyzed, maybe that way I will not do anything bad or hurtful to myself and others.

But goddammit it's exhausting.

Arthur shifted slightly on the bed, still meaninglessly staring at the ceiling as he did so.
"I want to die." He muttered under his breath and tried to close his eyes on a moment.
"Maybe sleeping over the entire week would help. Again, if I don't wake up, who would care?"

Really, who would care?! Alfred isn't here, Lukas isn't here... And it's not like I have any other close people beside me except the two of them.

Who knows if they would care at all.

Maybe Alfred wanted to leave... Maybe all of them just couldn't wait for the right moment to leave me...

I'm a burden, nothing more than a burden.

After stirring around like that in bed with those thoughts for quite some time, Arthur decided to get up and maybe go relax his mind a little by turning on the music programme on television.
It took him a couple of minutes, but then he actually did it.

And it felt better than laying in bed with all the thoughts beside him.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"This flight is pretty long, don't you think?" Emma asked after a yawn, and a small stretch since she didn't have a lot of place in her seat.

Alfred responded in a tired nod. "Actually quite long. But I've traveled farther before." He gave a small chuckle and tried to close his eyes on a brief second.

And just a minute later, he felt something really strange around him, a bad feeling for sure.

This time, Emma didn't try to wake him up, but something else definitely did.

"What's happening?" Alfred tiredly asked and blinked a few times as he looked around.
"I don't know, but I'm a little scared." Emma said, completely red in the face as she realized she was holding his hand tightly from the fear.

When he finally looked around himself, he noticed other people were muttering incoherent things to themselves, but none of them were like the usual relaxed small talk they had been having.

"We're sorry if any of you feel uncomfortable. We are having a small issue with turbulence and will fix it soon. Just hold on. If anything feels worse than this, do not fear." A voice casually, and a bit tiredly said from the front. The pilot, probably, Alfred concluded.

Emma gave a small relieved laughter as she released Alfred's hand. "It's just turbulence."

But Alfred wasn't so sure about that.

He had flown several times, and none of the flights had this kind of turbulence. It was like they were flying in a fluttery kind of way, shaky to the vision inside and through the window as well.

Flying in a different angle, to be exact.

Alfred couldn't seem to calm.

"Alfred, are you alright?" Emma asked in a worried voice when she saw that he was not responding, and barely staring around with a confused and startled look on his face, worry forming in his usually shining blue eyes.

"I'm not sure." He muttered, almost under his breath, and got the hold of Emma's hand, this time initiated by him. "I hope."

This made Emma worried as heck herself. At least Alfred knew how it felt in a flight, he was already on a plane many times in the past! "W-what do you mean?"

"Just sit steady, that's all." He tried to comfort her, but he wasn't assured by his own words.

And then it happened.

"Passengers, sit tight and relax. We are trying our best to fix this slight problem we're having." The voice was heard again, but the American could swear that in the pilot's voice there was a slight unease.

On the other side, who wouldn't  feel uneasy?

By now, they were flying in an angle which Alfred figured was slightly towards the ground. And he didn't like the feeling of it.

He started feeling a little dizzy by himself, as if he was pulled back into his seat and strapped up a little, not feeling quite well. His vision was blurry, and he knew that something was about to happen.

Suddenly, everything became much faster, and he could swear to any gods that they were going down.

A couple of people shouted and screamed from the back seats, and a crack could be heard which made a few younger people cry out, and Alfred to sit tight, his eyes widened because he didn't know what would happen next. Emma was panicking as well. Next to him, she already grabbed the seat as tight as possible with one hand, and Alfred's hand with the other.

"Attention, passengers. It might have been a slightly bigger problem than just turbulence. Sit tight and do not panic. Everything is going to be alright... Hopefully." The last word was only a faint whisper, as if the pilot didn't believe anything was fine anymore.

"Alfred...?" Emma asked with a teary voice.

"Yes?" He responded emotionless, staring at one invisible point in the distance as if he was trying to gather himself... Well, he was indeed trying to.

"W-we're going down, aren't we?" She whispered and he knew she was crying already.


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