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A/N: Graphic self harm scene, suicide attempt. You've been warned. Please don't read the first part of this chapter if self harm is your trigger. I only want the best for you, I don't want you to get upset by it. Thank you. <3 If you're okay with reading it, continue.

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Arthur wasn't thinking before he was doing this. He had no reason to overthink and try to stop himself before he did it.

Holding the small, sharp and shiny razor blade in his hand, he rolled up his sleeves and gritted his teeth as he saw his old scars had not faded away yet. One was particularly big, but he didn't remember what did he do that one for.

Without further thinking, he ran the blade over his damaged skin, letting out a small whimper in pain, and watched as the blood trickled down his arm, reaching his wrist and the palm of his hand.

The pain was... Relieving in a way. But it wasn't enough.

Arthur did not feel satisfied yet. So he did it again, and again, and again, making one more line of blood and cutting his skin until his entire arm was bleeding, until it bitterly stung of pain.

I deserve the pain. I don't deserve life.

And every time he did this before, he stayed away from his upper wrist, scared to cut it because who knows what might happen.

But now, it didn't seem to matter the slightest to him anymore.

"You can do this, don't you dare hesitate now." He whispered to himself and shivered, feeling like he would throw up any moment...

3...2...1. Do it.

And he actually did it. Blood escaped from underneath his skin and left its marks everywhere it had dripped onto, including Arthur's clothes and the floor beneath him.

He felt dizzy, and didn't even have time to overdose on the anti - depressants. Though, he had planned to do that as well. So, setting down the blade aside, he reached for the small bottle, but he lost consciousness while he did, blood flowing around him without stopping.

He felt numb, gone, finished... He felt dead.

And in a way, it was... Relieving.

Goodbye, cruel world.

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Mathias and Gilbert were on their way to the pub, as they had been going there every day - they were already known as regular guests, and even the owner of the pub warned them about drinking too much.

Not that they cared.

"Hey, I miss Alfred a lot. I wonder when he'll be back from the States." Gilbert said tiredly, with a hint of sadness in his voice about missing one of his best friends.

"Me too, me too. Hopefully it's soon. I mean, it's kind of boring without him, in all honesty. I miss Lukas as well. Business travels aren't long, though." Mathias responded with a small frown and a quick nod.

"Gilbert! Mathias! Wait up, wait up!" A tall long haired brunette with a flower in her hair was panting, a total mess, running towards the two of them.

"Elizabeta!" Gilbert smiled and reached for to take her hand - he wasn't even trying to hide their relationship anymore - but she pulled back, her dark green eyes full of worry.

"Have you heard what happened? It's been on the news, well, since it happened!" Her voice was a bit shaky, and eyes slightly red as if she had been crying. Gilbert and Mathias looked at each other with confusion, worry forming inside of them as soon as they had heard her unsteady voice.

"Alfred's in the hospital."

Mathias widened his eyes, and Gilbert stood in shock, speechless for a second. Elizabeta was still catching her breath since she ran, and the two boys in front of her had no idea what to do.

"T-there was a plane crash of the airplane from London to Washington D.C. The one Alfred was in! A-and he survived! He's in the hospital now. In, uh, Maryland, I think." She trembled as she spoke, finally daring to take Gilbert's hand in comfort.

"How did you hear t-that he's alive...?" Gilbert whispered, not knowing how to act in any of this.

"Alfred is my friend, too. Maybe not a close friend, but I still care about him. And I know you do as well. S-so I checked. I know some people." She waved her hand as if how she had gotten information about him wasn't important.

"No, really, how do you know...?" Mathias insisted.

Elizabeta sighed, looking to the side a little. "I called Alfred's brother. Alfred and I talked once or twice, and he told me that he had a brother called Matthew who lived in Alberta. So, uh, I kind of tracked his phone number online so I could check if Alfred was alive. It's not my fault I knew his name, surname and place of residence." She blushed a little, knowing that nobody should be stealing other people's information on the internet.

Mathias and Gilbert glanced at her, Gilbert shaking his head with a sigh. "So you stalked Alfred's brother on the internet to find his number- oh, does it even matter?! Is Alfred okay?!"

Elizabeta tightly held his hand, nodding in reassurance. "The brother, Matthew, was pretty worried about how I found his phone number, but he was glad I did. Yeah, Alfred is okay."

Mathias was then struck with a disturbing realization. "Gil... Who knows how Arthur reacted at the news." He gulped a little, looking at his friend with a face full of worry.

"Oh. You mean Alfred's troubled boyfriend. Kirkland." Elizabeta huffed, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. She only talked to Arthur one or two times, and since he had come off as really rude, she didn't like him all too much.

"Liz, Arthur means a lot to Alfred. We have to check on him, like it or not." He said, concern rising in his voice.

"Let's go."

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O-O Will they get to Arthur on time?

By the way, was this chapter too confusing in parts? I hope not.

Also, Elizabeta is that type of person who will use their stalking skills just to help others. Much like one of my best friends. XD

Sorry that this chapter is, uh, slightly shorter than the one before. But I have a plan in my  head about when which chapter should end - they are divided just right.

Thanks for reading!

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