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"Where is Arthur?"

The three friends were suddenly frozen in place at the question. As much as they expected it to be asked one moment or the other, they still were not ready to answer that question to Alfred.
It would hurt him too much. It would hurt them too much to say it as well.

"Alfred..." Gilbert muttered the American's name and gently took him by the hand. "Maybe you should sit down on the couch. It's just... We need to talk about something." He finished his sentence and they all felt tension arise. Though, Alfred deserved to know, they just didn't want him to be hurt.

Alfred's ocean blue eyes were suddenly full of worry, and he wordlessly nodded as he sat down on the couch. "What is this about?" He shakily asked.

Elizabeta and Mathias both sat next to Alfred, leaving Gilbert the armchair next to it the only option.

"A lot of things have happened since you've flown to the States." The German softly began speaking, and the American felt such tension form inside him at the words. "It's... It's really difficult to say this. I don't think I can." Gilbert's voice began trembling, and he buried his face in his hands to prevent himself from crying.

Luckily, Elizabeta took the word. "Alfred... Arthur is gone." She gave the news in a shaky whisper, and Alfred's eyes widened in a single second, shifting in the seat and turning to the Hungarian. "W-what do you mean he is gone? Where is Arthur?" He stuttered out, his voice raising the tension in the room even more.
Elizabeta shook her head and looked down, taking Alfred by the hand.

"Y-you see... Two weeks ago, we came here to check on Arthur because we were scared of how he reacted t-to the news... If he had seen them. And... And when we came into the house, we found him... I... I can't..." Elizabeta took a sharp breath before continuing.

"Alfred... Arthur took his life."

Alfred froze in place. He stared at Elizabeta in pure shock and terror at the words. "W-what?" He managed to whisper out, but it was barely audible. "Why?!" He jumped off the couch and screamed, the pain from standing up was adding onto the scream as well as the shock, the perplexion, the... Pure devastation.

"Alfred, sit down. You're not completely healed yet." Mathias stood up and grabbed him by the arm softly, but Alfred flinched and pulled his arm back. "NO! This is impossible. Why? Why would Arthur do that?!"

The American began crying not long after, almost falling to the floor but they were all there to catch him and prevent him from falling down completely. He was shaking, but his sobs were not loud. It was a silent cry.

A cry for help.

"Arthur... My dearest, Arthur... I... Why did you... Why did you... Do that to yourself... Why...?" He was quietly weeping in the embrace of Elizabeta, Gilbert and Mathias. By now, he was on the floor, with his friends around him, holding him,  helping him...

They knew he wouldn't recover from this in a while. It was difficult for them, too, and they didn't even want to imagine how it would be for their best friend, Alfred.

"Alfred. I know it's very difficult-" Gilbert began speaking words of comfort, but he got cut off by the American.

"Difficult?!" He screamed through tears. "My dearest person in the world isn't here anymore because he ended his life and that's all you can say?! I don't want to hear any words! Just... Just..." He ended up shouting out of misery, covering his face with his hands as Gilbert sat on the floor in awe, closing his mouth and not daring to say another word.

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't be. Just don't." Alfred spoke in a low, hushed and shaky tone, and soon started sobbing in a loud tone, making Elizabeta's heart completely shatter at the noise, she began silently crying herself.

"Alfred... W-we were devastated as well. We know how it feels. B-but of course, Arthur meant the most to you, of course you would take it the hardest." The Hungarian girl was soft spoken, making sure she doesn't make her voice tremble. Alfred needed strong support right now, and she swore to herself, she would be there for him.

Taking sharp breath and long gasps, Alfred felt like he could throw up any moment. The tension and the devastation inside of him was too much.

I will never see Arthur again. He's dead. Arthur's dead. I can't do anything about it. I wasn't there for him when he needed me the most... And this happened.

"I-it's all my fault..." He whispered, leaving the three of them fully in shock.

"What? Alfred, how could you say that?! It's not your fault!" Mathias raised his voice in a surprised manner and got the hold of Alfred's hand.

Arthur is dead.

My dearest, Arthur Kirkland... Is gone. Not here. I will never again see his face, never hold him, hug him, kiss him and look into his deep, beautiful eyes that always gave me hope. Never again in my life will I come home and call him as the first thing I do. Never, never, and never again.

It's not possible to do it anymore.

My reason to live, my light, my sky, my sea and my stars, my everything...

Arthur is gone.

I will never see him again.

I will never love again.

And by those words, Alfred buried his face in Elizabeta's shirt and began hopelessly sobbing, not knowing how to get out of this. It was just like Arthur always used to describe it.

Clouds. Thunder. Screams. Something supernatural that just couldn't be real, but it was so real, it was there. Rain. Fog.
His already terrible vision got blurry from the tears and from the rain he felt on the inside.

He felt everything Arthur felt in his last moments. It was as if he could hear his voice through the thunderstorm in his head.

He took everything miserable Arthur had ever felt.

He carried Arthur's pain.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Is that even possible? I think not. But it seems like a really good idea, honestly.

Anyway, I predict more chapters for this story, but I'm not sure is that 3 more, 5 more or 15 more. XD As much inspiration as I feel for it, that much I will write.

Though, I'll soon get started on a new book as well!

Also, do you remember the chapter titled "Farewell?" Well, I told you to pay attention to it. Even though in the story, they say "Goodbye" to each other, the title is "Farewell."

It's because the word goodbye means that the people won't see each other for a short while.
But the world farewell always means the last goodbye.

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