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A/N: Sorry for not updating this story in a while! I was (still am) on holiday away from wifi. I'm writing this at my relative's home which has a local internet cable for computer. I didn't want to make you wait any longer, and she was nice enough to let my write on her laptop.  So here's a longer chapter than usually!

Now, not to prolong the author's note... let's go!

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One week later

A week has passed since the horrible hospital incident, or rather that misery that Arthur was pulled in and could barely get himself out if there wasn't for Alfred, who luckily found him and helped the ill Brit.

Now, for Arthur, things were slightly off towards... better?
He wasn't quite sure of that, in complete honesty, but at least he tried to figure everything out.

Alfred was really caring since he had found out about Arthur, staying with him almost every second, cooking him tea, hot chocolate, making him his favourite meals... Not that Arthur was ever a good cook, even before everything had gone downhill.

"Alright, I have found this really cute little book that helps with happiness and feelings. If you want to read it, here it is on the bedside table. It's Danish, guess who I got it from!" Alfred chuckled as he placed the small book on Arthur's small wooden table next to the bed, along with a cup of mountain tea which the Brit loved so much. Surprisingly, that brand of tea wasn't even British - it was Croatian mountain tea. But they sold it in London nevertheless.

Arthur laid on the soft covers of his bed, sitting up just a little when he heard the mention of tea. He gave Alfred a small, grateful smile and sighed before he took a sip of the warm liquid which always put him in a state of comfort. "I- I can't thank you enough." He muttered quietly and gently took the book in his hands. The cover was interesting, and the work was titled Hygge - the Danish way of life.

Alfred just flashed him a grin and waved his hand as if saying 'no need to thank me'. "As long as you are well, I am well." The American said softly and giggled a little. The sight of Arthur finally looking a bit happier just brought him happiness too. Then he left the room, seeing that the tired Englishman could have his time and space in the comfort of tea and a good book.

How didn't I notice changes in his behavior earlier? Maybe I could have been there to save him before anything too big occurred... Alfred's mind was really troubled and he wasn't quite at peace, opposite of what he showed on the outside.

Alfred and Arthur both took two weeks off work, after their boss at work heard what had happened to the Brit. He wasn't too happy about letting both of them off the hook, but after he got threatened by the American (who was a really good employee), he had to give them both time out of the office. That angered Lukas and Mathias, who had a ton more paperwork to do. But they were their best friends, and were also very concerned for Arthur's well being, so of course they would help...!

And Arthur felt so comfortable after many months...

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A few hours later, after leaving Arthur some time to gather himself and read some pages of the book, Alfred slowly stepped into the room - and had to take back a small chuckle at what he saw. Arthur was soundly sleeping, the book open and laying down on his chest, luckily the cup of tea was on the bedside table, and not spilled on the bed sheets and the floor like the last time Alfred had cooked him hot chocolate. To shorten the story, Alfred had quite a few things to wash and dry. Along with the bed sheets. So it was a relief to see he didn't have to wash those so soon again.

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