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The next morning, Alfred woke up fairly early. The sunlight crept through the window and easily disturbed his sleep, but he did not mind. 

Now, he was quite glad that he didn't stay at Gilbert's and Elizabeta's apartment, even if he accepted the offer. He liked his comfortable bed.

"..." He groaned a little and rubbed his eyes to make him feel a little more awake, before stretching and sitting up in the bed. Putting his glasses on, he picked up the phone from the nightstand and checked the screen. 7 AM.

When did I go to sleep anyway? I think it must have been 2 AM. I don't quite know.

But he didn't feel tired at all. Unlike everyone else at Francis' Christmas party, Alfred didn't feast on everything alcoholic in the house, and didn't have a hangover the next morning.
He put the phone back and decided to get up and make himself some breakfast.

After two months of living in complete misery, this was a big turn of events for him. At some days, he skipped work because he wasn't able to get out of bed. No willpower to do so. Braginsky said that he wasn't his best employee anymore, and Lukas took that roll. The Norwegian didn't skip a single day, and did all his paperwork on time.

Alfred used to be like that. Until October 16th appeared in his life, and brought him down to the ground like a massive weight which suddenly dropped from the sky, crushing an innocent American's life to the base.

But he tried his best to listen to Elizabeta's words of encouragement.

Arthur was still there - in his mind - at every possible moment of his life, but he tried not to drown himself in the thought of him. Oh, how he missed the messy blonde Brit. He meant the life to him.

Realizing that he was battling his emotions inside again, Alfred shook his head and with a sigh, stood up from the bed. "Stop wasting time on tears." He muttered to himself.

The American remembered that they were supposed to exchange presents last night at the party, but apparently only Lukas was somewhat sober to do it. Mathias and Gilbert were, as usual, drunk out of their minds, and Elizabeta wasn't at her brightest either.
Though, he was kind of glad that he didn't have to exchange presents with anyone else - besides Lukas - because he didn't get anyone a single thing. He barely got out of the house anyway.

He quite liked the present the Norwegian gave him. And Lukas didn't ask for anything from Alfred. He knew very well that the American had something else on his mind, and not buying Christmas gifts. It was a small American flag bracelet that he put on the second he got it. "It's really cute." He chuckled silently to himself and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

Maybe I should take a walk through the park, it doesn't sound like such a bad idea.
And it's definitely not crowded at 7 AM.
I've gotta clear my mind a little more.

Thinking about the idea, he nodded to himself in approval before leaving to change into some appropriate clothing for the outside.

Who knew, I won't be in bed sulking in my own tears forever.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The German and the Hungarian certainly didn't have such an easy going morning.
Gilbert woke up first, and he had a massive headache, a blurry vision, and didn't completely remember last night. All  he knew was that he must have had a whole lot of alcohol.

He looked next to him on the bed, and spotted a snoring Hungarian holding her forehead with one hand, her long brown hair spreading over the bed in a messy manner. He chuckled a little at the sight of his future wife, and got up, silencing a groan so he wouldn't wake up Elizabeta.

Great. Just perfect. I mean, a hangover was to be expected, huh?

Well. It ain't my first, it ain't my last.

I can take it.

He decided to settle in the kitchen for a cup of coffee while he checked his phone for something new on social media. Everything was very boring, and Elizabeta was still asleep so he had nobody to talk to.

I'll call up Alfred. I mean, it's already quite past 7 AM, he must be awake. Or not.
Oh, well, I'll risk it. I hope he's feeling alright.

Last night, he actually looked... Happier.

The German typed in the American's number into his telephone, and waited for the other to answer it.

"Hello?" He heard from the other side. It was Alfred. For the first time in god knows  how long, Alfred responded to him on the phone!
"Uh, hey, Alfred. What's up?"
"Walking a little."
"Are you feeling fine today?"
"Yeah, I'm okay. Um, do you want to meet up by any chance?" The American asked, leaving Gilbert a bit flustered. It's been a long time since Alfred called him to hang out.
"Of course! Where are you?"
"The park."
"Alright, I'll be there in a few.

As they said their goodbyes and hung up on the telephone, Gilbert felt positive. Despite the headache. The thought of Alfred wanting to hang out with him, his best friend, again, just made him feel good.

Quickly, Gilbert stood up with a small troubled sigh, getting a piece of paper and a pen to write down just a small thing.

I'm at the park with Alfred, don't worry about me.
I'll be back soon and make us breakfast.

Love, Gilbert

Adding a small heart next to the signature, he left the message on the table and set the pencil on it.

He sighed and went to change into his casual wear, splashing some water on his face to make him more awake.

Alfred, I'm so glad you're happier again. Just continue this way, you'll be our old cheery Alfred in no time.

You'll realize that Arthur was never your true destiny.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Uh, yeah, that must have been an unexpected ending.

I thought I would update tomorrow, but I just kind of unexpectedly got inspiration at half past 11 in the afternoon.

Should I sleep?

Most definitely.

Thanks for reading!

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