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The three nurses looked at each other in pure shock, frozen completely, not knowing what to do next. Emilia was shaking, her small cheeks turning red as tears streamed down them.

They had never lost a patient before.

"W-we lost him." Julia dared to mutter, even she couldn't keep a neutral expression on anymore.

"I have to tell his friends waiting outside." The oldest of the three, Luna, quietly said and backed away from Arthur's bed slowly, step by step, trying her best not to start shivering. 

Arthur was dead.

"I'll... I'll go with you." Emilia mumbled and took her sister's hand, deciding to leave just because she didn't want to stay in the same room as the patient that had just lost his life. It hurt her too much.

Stepping outside of the emergency room with shaky movements, the two Norwegian sisters saw Arthur's friends waiting on the chairs of the hallway. Mathias and Elizabeta were staring somewhere blankly, in complete silence, while Gilbert quietly cried next to the Hungarian girl.

"Excuse me..." Luna began speaking softly, gathering attention of the three in a matter of seconds. Mathias looked up at her with pleading eyes that said it all.

"Please, please tell us he's okay." He whispered in a nervous, unsteady voice and waited for a positive answer from the nurse.

"We're... We're so sorry... He has... Passed away." She responded in an insecure tone, and Mathias jumped out of his chair in a matter of milliseconds.

"What?! Arthur is dead?" He shouted vigorously, scaring the younger Norwegian.  "Oh my goodness... He actually did it... He actually fucking did it... He took his life..." He muttered under his breath, falling back into the chair with his face buried in his hands.

Elizabeta couldn't believe her ears. The man she almost hated for so long... Died by his own hands. "A-alfred will be so... So devastated..." She whispered and Gilbert took her into his embrace for comfort. Though, they all needed comfort.

"T-thank you for telling us." Gilbert stayed content, trying not to show any emotion, though all of them felt a different tension rise in the air, like none of them had ever felt before.

A different kind of sorrow.


"My condolences." Luna said with a quick nod, sighing as she saw them in distress, before taking her sister by the hand and walking back inside of the emergency room.

Elizabeta soon began sobbing into Gilbert's shirt, and Gilbert couldn't stop his tears spill as well as Mathias.

They had never before experienced this.

"I feel... I feel terrible... I-imagine how Alfred will feel when he finds out..." Mathias was trembling, his shaky hands wiping away his own tears as he stared into the deep and dark nothingness ahead of him.

"When will  he find out?" The German quietly asked.

"When he comes back. I-it would be too much for him to find out now, a-after the plane crash and all." Mathias decided, and everyone agreed with the statement.

"We should head home." Elizabeta softly muttered, not being able to stand the growing tension in the hospital hallway.

Without a word said, the German and the Dane nodded and all three of them got off their chairs, slowly as if they were stalling.

Nobody wanted to hurry. Nobody was able to hurry.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  

Evening had risen upon them all. 

Everything was quiet. Too quiet, if someone asked them.

A German, a Dane and a Hungarian girl were sitting on a wooden bench, staring into the clouded dark sky and just... Thinking.

They had no willpower to reach their homes, so staying in the nearby park was their only option. It was a good time and place to think a little. And remove the hurting tension that spread all across the three of them.

"Why... Why would Arthur do that? What thought does a person have before they... Do it?" Mathias let out a long exhale as he looked up to the stars. There was only one star visible.

Elizabeta shook her head and shrugged, not knowing how to respond to the question. It was a rhetorical question, anyway, but she felt like she was obliged to answer it.

"I can't believe it. I knew... I knew Arthur had problems, but in all honesty of god, I never thought he would go this far. If I knew... I'd be there before it happened." Gilbert felt quite guilty - he was the one that said that Arthur was just needy and using Alfred, but now he realized something much bigger, much darker stood behind it all.

He realized that when it was too late.  

"I told him he was stuck up and rude, and that he should stay away from me. A-and I didn't realize it then, but... Maybe every word hurt him." Elizabeta shyly admitted and looked down in shame.

"Let's face it... Alfred was the only one who was nice to him. Braginsky always gave him extra work because he felt like it. Gilbert always teased him for the smallest things. You told him he was stuck up and rude. I told him... I told him he wasn't good enough for Alfred." Mathias felt more tears prick at the corner of his eyes as he said the words in a voice full of sorrow.

They never realized how much their words hurt.

Arthur always felt broken and alone, worthless, ineffective, useless, a waste of air and space, he felt like nobody loved him and nobody ever wanted him.

And... He wasn't born like that. He grew up like that. 

Arthur loved his family, even though sometimes his brothers would tease him. It was only brotherly teasing.

But with all the other people in his life... It just turned into something biger than friendly offenses. And he started to isolate himself, push all the people away.

That's when he fell into depression. That was when all the hurting started, and when a lot of blood was spilled for every hurtful world he had gotten.

He hated life. 

It was just a matter of time when he would decide on something like this.

"You're saying..." Elizabeta tried to say something, but Gilbert quickly cut her off, as realization dawned upon him too quickly.

"It's our fault, too. Alfred's plane crash was..." He tried to find the correct words.

"The final breakdown."

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  


Oh well, nobody's perfect, huh?

The next chapter will get more intense, I promise. I have to do a timeskip to two weeks later, though. Because of reasons. I know what I'm doing. XD Though I might not do it in the next chapter already. I need to do a thing or two before it continues going strong.

Honhonhon, I'm not giving anything away.

Thanks for reading!

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