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"So, what's the deal with you two?" Elizabeta sighed as she faced Gilbert and Alfred, who were sat on the couch next to each other - she made them sit in that exact position. Alfred wasn't looking at the German, and he crossed his arms, only glaring at the Hungarian for making him sit  next to Gilbert.

Gilbert looked down and sighed, not wanting to speak a single word. "Nothing." He murmured under his breath, but it was barely heard.

"Listen, both of you." She irritably sighed and took Alfred's and Gilbert's hand into her hands. "I can't just sit here and wait for you to glare it out at each other. What happened while you were at the park?" She sternly asked them.

Alfred looked aside a little, and shifting on the couch, started to softly speak. His voice was full with rage, grief and sorrow, and there was nothing he could do to prevent the unsteadiness of the tone he spoke in. "H-he told me I should forget about Arthur."

"Well, he should!" Gilbert's sudden harshness in words struck both the Hungarian and the American, leaving the brunette girl slightly in awe.

"Calm your shit down. Support your fact with arguments, Gil. Why should he forget about Arthur and is it even possible?" She shot him a glare which meant a clear 'shut up' before exasperatedly sighing.

The albino German glared at her for a longer moment before blushing slightly and looking down. "Because there must be someone else out there who will love him. Arthur clearly wasn't meant for him, and he can't understand it."

"I don't want to hear those words!" Alfred almost screamed, turning to Gilbert and hitting him to the side, almost kicking him off his seat on the couch.

"Well how about you finally learn what the truth is, huh, Alfred?"
"How about you stop saying such absurd things?!"
"It's not absurd! It's true! Arthur and you weren't meant to be, goddammit! If you were, he would still be fucking alive!"


Elizabeta made a step backwards at the last harsh words said by the German, not wanting to look at any of them.

Alfred gasped, shaking a little before burying his face in his hands and trying his best to stop all incoming tears. He slowly took his glasses off and shakily put them on the table in front of the couch, where Elizabeta was sitting on just a couple of moments earlier.

"Gilbert." She shakily spoke. "Come with me into the kitchen for a moment." Her voice was raging, in a trembling quiet tone which could mean only one thing - she was furious.

How could he even say such a thing?

Gilbert sighed and frowned in slight anger before nodding and getting up, following Elizabeta into the kitchen.

"How could you?" She spoke to him first, in a half - whisper so Alfred would not hear their ongoing conversation in the living room.

"I did nothing wrong, Liz." The German crossed his arms and frowning, looked aside feeling just slightly ashamed of himself for blurting out such powerfully harsh words.

"You reminded him that Arthur is dead. You said they weren't meant to be. D-do you know how those words might have hurt him? Scratch that, they did hurt him, greatly! Trust me. He is trying to move on deep inside, but for now, please let him think what he wants to think. He told me once on a therapy session, he feels Arthur's presence deep within himself, and I will not be the one to take that away from him. He needs that. For now, he needs it." The Hungarian took his hand gently, trying to express it in the nicest way she could, though the words themselves weren't so nice.

Gilbert sighed, just barely able to look in his girlfriend's eyes. "I... I really didn't mean it, okay?"

"The problem is, you did mean it, and he won't believe your apology. Just like I don't." She sternly responded.

"He told me a lot of things. He told me that our friendship was always based on lies anyway, and he never wants to speak another word to me again." He said, almost mumbling the last part.

"You know, your words hurt him deeply, so of course he was going to say such a thing. But unlike you, he doesn't mean those words. You think I haven't read it in his eyes? He just wants to have his best friend back. Why do you think he invited you to the park? Because he wanted to fight or talk about Arthur's death? Gilbert. You foolish idiot, if I must say that already."

"I'm sorry." The German muttered under his breath, biting his lip in embarrassment. "So how do I apologise to him? A simple sorry won't fix it."

"That part I leave to you, my dear. I'm going to sit aside and watch. You've got to resolve it yourself."

"Wait, what?"

"You heard me, Gil."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"...I just wanted to say, uh, I'm sorry, Alfred. I'm sorry for saying those words, I did not mean them." Gilbert, flushed red and embarrassed, looked at the American as he spoke, but the other did not seem convinced the slightest.

"You expect me to believe you." Alfred frowned in an angry way, glaring at his friend with crossed arms and fierce raging energy shining in his deep blue eyes.

"Uh, well, no. I just want you to hear me out, you know...! I know I've never been truly faithful to yours and Arthur's relationship, and I've said many terrible things, but... I know how much Arthur still means to you, and it's nothing bad if you don't want to move on yet- I mean, move on. In general. I-it's okay if you don't believe me. It's your choice completely."

Alfred shifted a little on the couch, before slowly standing up, leaving both Elizabeta and  Gilbert slightly flustered. "I don't want to have anything to do with you, Gilbert. I'm sorry. I don't believe any of your words, a-and I'm sick of it all already. If you need a drinking friend, go with Mathias. I... I don't care. I've tried to talk to you this morning, but it went just... Wrong." He averted his glaze to Elizabeta before continuing. "I hope we can still stay close friends, Liz. Y-your words really help me."

She nodded with a slight sad smile, knowing that there was no way for Alfred to get into a better mental state if they keep forcing him to do what he doesn't want to.

If he doesn't want to see Gilbert again, then let it be that way. Maybe one day, when he gets better, we can all be kind to one another again.

"Alfred, please...." Gilbert sighed and tried to get after him, but Elizabeta just motioned for him to stay on the couch, since there was no use.

"Goodbye, Gilbert. For the second time today, and for the last time, Goodbye."

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DUDE. I really like Elizabeta, she's very kind and supportive of other's decisions if they will make the other person happier in any way.

Gilbert, on the other side, is a total idiot. XD

Thanks for reading!

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