Coming back

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Two weeks later

"Alfred, I have great news for you!" Matthew ran into his younger brother's hospital room and cheerfuly said, excitement rising in his voice.

Alfred, who by now could sit up in his bed, move his arms and legs and even take small minute walks through the hospital hallway, excitedly looked at his brother who appeared as a blurry picture and smiled. He was glad to see him this morning. 

The only thing Alfred wasn't glad about was his vision worsening and the need of getting new glasses with higher diopter.

"What is it, Matthew?" He asked with a slight chuckle and patted the surface of the bed calling Matthew to sit next to him.

"You're being released from the hospital today!" He said with happiness and Alfred could already know this was going to be excellent. 

Wide eyed, he gave his response by hugging his brother, but not too tightly because his own arms would began shaking of it. He still didn't completely recover from the plane crash. "I'm so happy." He said with a smile that said honesty, and chuckled a little. It was a shock how they would let him go so early. Both Matthew and him thought he was going to be stuck in Annapolis for at least a month. 

"I know you are, Alfred. I am, too. Just... Are you ready to go back to England yet? If you want, we can stay in Charleston for a while." Matthew began speaking, but Alfred shook his head at the words.

"No, no, no way and no. I'll be fine. I just have to see Arthur, alright?" He seriously said and gently crossed his arms, barely letting them intertwine.

"I understand. I-if you want, though, I can travel to London with you. So you have some, uh, comfort on the plane back?" The older brother suggested with warmth in his voice.

Alfred, though, denied the offer. "Thanks, Matt, but I'll really be fine." He chuckled.

Matthew smiled and softly hugged his younger brother. He was so proud of him - being so brave and independent even in the worst times. His Alfred was always strong, and always would be. Matthew just knew it. But for now, he had to let him go back to London to see his loved one, his boyfriend Arthur.  "I know you'll be fine. I mean, you're a Jones! We're strong." 

"I might be a Jones, but I'm not so much of a hero, am I, huh?" Alfred gave a small bitter chuckle and leaned against his brother, wearing a white hospital dress and sitting on the hospital bed.
"Heroes don't leave their damsels behind."

"Hey, hey, Alfred, you had to go. Arthur understands that." 

"I dearly hope he does." 

"Now, let's go walk down to the reception on the ground floor. You're finally going out of here." Matthew said with a long, relaxed sigh and gently grabbed Alfred's arm to help him stand up. 

"Yeah, let's go." The younger American smiled and slowly stood up, wincing a little at the pain but not letting out a single sound of complaint at it.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

As Alfred got released from the hospital, he quickly got dressed and then headed out of the big, white building, with his brother helping him walk gently, just in case.

They were headed towards the Baltimore/Washington International Airport in Baltimore, Maryland, Matthew reserving them tickets for the safest (and the most expensive) airline. He would do anything, as long as Alfred felt safe and comfortable.

By Matthew's car, they arrived in Baltimore after forty - five minutes, and drove another five to get to the airport. Alfred felt slight shivers knowing that he would have to sit in an airplane soon again, but he didn't show any signs of fear by movement.

Though, Matthew read it in his brother's eyes. Alfred was very scared. And scarred, for life.

"Hey. Alfred. Are you sure you're okay with this?" Matthew asked for one last reasurrance.

Alfred nodded, looking away as he felt a blush form and spread across his cheeks. "Yes."

After ten minutes of waiting at the Baltimore airport station, the passengers were called onto the plane, and Alfred had to say goodbye to his brother - it was quite a long goodbye, because who knows when would be the next time the two of them would see each other. Since Alfred lived in London, and Matthew in Edmonton, Alberta.

"Thank you for everything, Matthew."

"That's what brothers are for. Now, you have to go or you'll have to wait for the next plane to London." Both Americans chuckled and hugged for the last time before Alfred walked away on his unsteady feet to the airplane.

He wasn't ready for this, but he knew that he would have to come back one day or the other.

Let today be that day. He thought to himself as he got on board of the airplane, finding his seat. 
I wonder where Emma is now. She was one of the survivors, but she left the hospital a few days earlier. 

Probably back in Belgium, for all I know.

I kind of miss her. Maybe one day we run into each other again and become great friends.

Ah, there it was. The pilot's voice announcing that they were about to take off for London. Alfred closed his eyes, and sighed deeply, ignoring all possible fear forming in him. There was no way this plane would crash - they don't crash that often, and this was the safest airline he could be seated on. So, he could relax as much as possible.

Arthur, I'm coming home. 

Oh, I cannot wait to see you again!

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 


Well, this was a little shorter than my usual writing. But trust me, I know exactly how the chapters should be divided and what their endings should be. So yeah, I'm satisfied with the length of this one as well.

Don't worry, I've done my research. I've searched for state capitals, possible airports, airlines, number of average airplane passengers, and even the geographical part.

There is, indeed, around 41-47 by car from Annapolis to Baltimore, Maryland, and there is actually an airport there named Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport. though, I've shortened the name. I bet they don't use the whole name in everyday speech anyway.

Also, I got confused since there is a Charleston in South Carolina, but Charleston is also the name of the capital of West Virginia. But the capital of South Carolina is Columbia. But the D.C. in Washington stands for the District of Columbia, but there actually isn't a state called Columbia and Washington is actually in Virginia. 

The States blew my mind with the complicated names while I researched for this fanfiction. Woah.

Thanks for reading!

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