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It took Arthur a great amount of time to wake up again after what had happened, but the next day he felt better. Alfred stayed with him through the entire night despite the nurses' meaningless pleading for him to go away.
And when Arthur woke up, he was happy to see Alfred there, but also terrified like never before.

Does he know?

The question bothered Arthur through the entire morning, he had no idea does Alfred actually know about his everyday mental struggles now.
He prayed silently that it wasn't true, but knew there was a high chance the doctors now know everything from his past.
Turns out he wasn't going to be able to hide his entire life.

"Are you okay?" He heard a faint whisper which seemed to be so far away but was actually no one else but - Alfred.
Arthur slowly opened his eyes and blinked a little before shifting in the highly uncomfortable piece of furniture called a bed, and looking at Alfred.
"I..." Arthur tried to find the correct words to create a normal, functioning sentence as he spoke.
"Shh, it's okay, Arthur, don't speak." Alfred responded in a weak, but soft smile and gently took the Brit's hand into his, intertwining their fingers together. Arthur smiled too, feeling really exhausted and painful in places where he was, unfortunately, injured.

Maybe they haven't told him...? No, he's just keeping quiet.

"Arthur..." Alfred began to softly speak, looking straight into the green eyes of Arthur's which had lost their sparkle from everything that had been happening to him. He was thankful in a way, though - that Alfred was so gentle and not mad at him.
"I'm so sorry-", Arthur began speaking with tears arising. He felt like a horrible person hiding from the man he loved the most.
"No", the American interrupted, "I should be the one apologising... I... I'm sorry I have never payed deeper attention to what was going on in your life. I understand that you did not want to tell me." He spoke with a really saddened smile.

Arthur was stunned. Alfred knew... Everything. On top of all, Alfred wasn't mad.

"Y-you... You know?" He asked, slight fear visible in his voice.
Alfred just nodded.
"Oh goodness..." Arthur muttered to himself, placing one free hand over his face to hide the tears that began slowly streaming down his blushed, soft cheeks.
Alfred held his hand tighter in reassurance. "And before you ask... I'm not mad. I have no reason to be.''

Arthur felt like his world just turned upside down. His everyday fear that this would happen, but with Alfred leaving him, just vanished in a millisecond and he felt such relief. Now, he was truly grateful. "Thank you..." He whispered and wiped away his tears.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hours had passed since Arthur had first woken up. The two of them were interrupted by constant check-ups from the nurses who told them he was lucky not to have hit his head harder and lose his memory, or even worse... Lose his life.
But they didn't worry about it so much anymore. Arthur's head was fairly well patched up, and maybe he would be in an even better condition if they hadn't put him in that awful bed.

But in all honesty, he wasn't going to complain.

For the first time in so long, the person he loved was there with him in his most difficult moments, and on top of all, he did not have to hide.

" then Mathias and I kind of broke into your house and I carried you bridal style to the car..." Alfred smiled as he added humor to the story of how they got to the hospital. And it really succeeded in making him laugh.
"As long as you didn't break through the door by actually breaking it, it's okay. Oh and... You kind of saved my life." Arthur gave an airy chuckle as he looked straight into Alfred's crystal clear, beautiful blue eyes which shone with such brightness.

One moment... One truth revealed... Arthur was happy after so long. He wondered for how long that was going to last.

"I'm the hero after all." Alfred said with a slight smirk. "I'm your hero."
The words made the Brit melt into the blissful satisfaction of, again, finally being able to talk to the one he loved with no trouble.

I'll always be your hero. No matter what happens, I'll be there for you, Arthur. Nothing will stop me.

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