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Nothing felt alright.
Arthur's body felt numb, although he was shaking and trembling, he didn't feel it.
He wasn't able to decide which was worse: feeling too much, or feeling... Nothing.
He somehow ended up on the floor on his bedroom hours after Alfred left the apartment, in tears and blood.
Blood. Where did that come from?
How was he on the floor in the first place?
Arthur had already forgotten.
When he tried to get up after a long crying hour, he collapsed and hit his head on the edge of his bed, making drops of blood escape from underneath his skin and onto the floor.
The Brit was laying down unconscious, hair messy and partially covered in red stains, his body was shaking but he didn't feel anything.
It was just how he imagined it.
Losing Alfred would be his lowest point.
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Alfred, on the other side, had it rough too. But, at least he had someone by his side.
"I... I really thought he wouldn't be so mad." Alfred said through tears and looked at Mathias and Gilbert, his best friends who were always there for him.
And right now, they were all snuggled together on Alfred's couch in the living room, the two of them comforting the American.
''I don't think he actually wants to break up with you. He's just a bit mad." Gilbert replied and took a sip from his beer bottle.
"A bit mad?! He fucking locked himself in the bedroom and cried for god knows how long! I left after a while, I cannot exactly know for how long he was in there. Or maybe still is in there." Alfred responded and took Gilbert's beer bottle from his hands, drinking it himself without caring.

"You should go back and convince him to accept your apology." Mathias suggested weakly.
Alfred looked at his two friends for a moment, watery eyes and tear stained face.
"Maybe." He responded. "Will you go with me? I mean, it was you who I... You know!"
Mathias gave a weak, apologetic smile and nodded.
"Of course." He said and slowly took the alcohol from Alfred so he wouldn't get too drunk before going back to Arthur's place.
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Alfred and Mathias soon arrived in front of Arthur's home again, Alfred still slightly in tears.
"He probably won't let me in. I have to unlock it myself." Alfred muttered and took out the key, barely unlocking the door from how shaky his hands were, of all the crying.
"Here." He said in a broken whisper and held the door for Mathias to get in first.
Mathias nodded and got into the apartment in which he had never been before. It felt strange, just going into Arthur's apartment without his consent.

Arthur didn't hear when someone came in. He was half - conscious on the floor, not being able to move at all. He didn't quite know where he was, but his eyes were open - though he barely saw anything through the blur and the clouds. Oh. He just had one of his breakdowns, but the clouds still hadn't gone away. That was new. He hears screams in his head that were so loud that they caused headache, but they were impossible to remove.

"Arthur!" Alfred shouted the hallways because he didn't see Arthur in the living room. "Dammit, is he still in the bedroom? It's been like three hours!" Alfred whisper-yelled towards Mathias and gently knocked on the bedroom door.
"Arthur? Artie? Are you in here?" He said softly, but loudly enough for Arthur to hear from the other side.

What was that? He could swear he heard a voice. Where did it come from? It was blurred. Oh, but it was there. How does he reach it? How does he respond to it?
It was impossible.

"Arthur..? Are you even here?" Alfred asked again and again.
"It's locked, he must be." Mathias whispered almost inaudibly - Alfred still heard, though.
The American positioned his head against the door so he could hear any signs of Arthur being on the other side, in his bedroom. He heard nothing. No rustling of bedsheets, no hitched breathing, no movement.
"Dammit, how do I unlock this shit..." he whispered harshly.

Arthur heard something.
What the hell was it that he heard? A voice? A knock on the door. Which door, though?
He tried to logically think of where he could be lying down right now, but he wasn't able to.
Where was he?
Who was it?
A voice... A faint voice in the background which he tried to reach for so long. It seemed like it was getting closer by every second. Or louder. He had no idea where the "voice" was located.
"..." Arthur opened his mouth to reply to the incoherent sounds, but nothing came out. At this point, he wasn't able to do anything but just wait and see what his destiny would be.

"ARTHUR!" Alfred yelled in shock after they were finally able to pick the lock and get in the bedroom.
His eyes were widened at the sight of Arthur on the floor, in the horrifying, such miserable condition.

The voices... Was it Alfred?

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