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Finishing his small letter to his lover, Alfred got up and placed the piece of paper on the table, hoping that Arthur would catch a glimpse of it and read it whole - because it really, really meant much to him. More than any ordinary letter he would send by mail, or text, or even send written on paper. This letter meant the world to him, just like Arthur did, and he'd make sure that Arthur reads it.

"There we go. That's perfect." Alfred whispered with a small smile as he placed the letter on the table, not even noticing that he had begun tearing up a little. It only became noticeable when a wet spot was created on one of the words, creating  a little pool of blue where the pen wrote out its letters. But it was still visible to read, and written in a really nice handwriting.

It was almost time to get ready and head to the airport.
Alfred looked at the clock and was really surprised when he saw it was already 6 AM. He had to be there at least at 9 AM, since the plane was taking off at 10 AM.

"Better wake up Arthur and say goodbye, it would be much more appropriate and greater than just leaving him without any farewell." Alfred sighed and muttered under his breath as he headed towards the room Arthur was sleeping in, which was usually his room, and slowly opened it so the Brit would not get startled.

"Arthur?" He said softly, seeing that his significant other was either in a very troubled sleep, or was actually crying into his pillow and not sleeping at all. The Brit didn't turn his head, and just kept silently sobbing, curled up and uncovered instead of being tucked in under the blankets.

"Are you alright, Artie...?" Alfred sat down next to him on the bed, and slowly tucked a few blonde curls of Arthur's behind his ear, caressing his cheek gently. Slowly, Arthur shakily looked up a little, turning his eyes towards the American - his green eyes teary and worn out, as if there was no hope left in them to survive a day.

Arthur just shook his head and buried his face in Alfred's chest, Alfred responding to the unexpected movement by accepting the other into his embrace, shushing his crying and stroking his hair softly.

"Shh, don't cry, Arthur. It'll all be alright, okay?" He whispered cautiously as Arthur kept sobbing into his shirt, making even the American tear up a little, shedding two or three tears... Or more. Soon tears began streaming down his face rapidly, all ending up on top of Arthur's blonde hair.

"You know... I-I came here to tell you it's my time to drive to the airport." He insinuated, feeling worried about what his boyfriend's next reaction would be.

But it was silent.

"Artie..." Alfred felt defeated that he had to leave him in such state. If only he could turn back and tell Braginsky to send somebody else to the travel. But now it was much too late, seeing that he was only a few hours away from the airport, and from taking off for Washington D.C.

"I'll miss you." It was the only response from the poor Brit in tears, and it was barely said through sobs and a hoarse voice.

"I will miss you too, know that? But I'll be home soon. And then we'll be together and I'll never, ever leave you again even if this silly job depends on it. I'll find another job that doesn't involve travelling to business meetings. I'll stay with you every hour of the day and we can be happy together... Alright?" Alfred's softly spoken words seemed to at least comfort Arthur a little, and that made the American very satisfied to know.

Arthur nodded and clung onto his lover tightly, not wanting to let go as if Alfred was a feather, only his and if he let go, the wind would take it away forever... He couldn't let that happen, but he also knew that letting go was inevitable.

"Alfred... Take care in Washington, okay? D-don't worry about me. I'll be alright by myself... I-It's fine. Remember me... Stay safe for me... A-and I'll try m-my best to stay calm..." Arthur was stuttering out the words, gently taking Alfred's hand into his and looking him into his tired, blue orbs.

The American gave him a simple nod, waiting for him to stop crying completely before he was finally capable of letting go.

Nothing was impossible, and he believed Arthur would one day heal and be happy as he used to be. Even happier.

In Alfred's mind, the key to happiness was love. And as long as he had that, he could at least have a small piece of his heart filled with happiness.

As Arthur was beginning to calm down, and as he stopped shaking, Alfred gave him a kiss on the forehead, and set him back on the bed, this time tucked underneath the covers.

One quick glance after another, they were barely able to say that last goodbye.

Alfred looked at the clock on the wall and frowned, seeing that if he didn't want to be late, he'd have to get changed in five minutes and go now. And also, he would have to grab a taxi since, where would he go with the car after arriving at the airport?

Did I do all that I needed to do?


Before leaving the room, Alfred gently took the white lily in between his fingers, clasping it in his palm and not letting it go.

Now I can go.

"Goodbye, Arthur."


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I'm sorry for this chapter being shorter, but it's pretty late over here by now >.<

I'm glad that you are enjoying the story... And pay attention to this title as well.

Thanks for reading!

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