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"Merry Christmas! Frohe Weihnachten!" Gilbert shouted at the top of his lungs in both English and German as he entered the door of a certain Frenchman's house, where a lot of people he knew were already gathered. Elizabeta, Mathias and Lukas quickly followed behind him, and a few seconds later, Alfred joined them without a single word, a greeting, or a look towards everyone. He was never close friends with Francis, he only knew him from the pub. Francis didn't expect the American to appear at his party, in all honesty, after what had happened to  him.

"Joyeux Noël, my friends!" Francis, the host of the Christmas party, chuckled and waved to them as they came in.

The party was on full - blast already. The loud melody of American Idiot played in the background, and Alfred flinched a little because it was a bit too loud for him. Though, he rather enjoyed the song.

Lukas and Mathias quickly got lost in the crowd, and got themselves some drinks. The Norwegian warned his boyfriend not to drink too much, though.
Mathias was a bad drunk for sure. And he usually tried to speak the Norwegian language, which drove Lukas insane.

Elizabeta and Gilbert got into a whole blast of 'congratulations' from everyone at the party, because everyone by now knew about their engagement. Hell, by how loud Gilbert was sometimes, Alfred wouldn't be surprised if the entire island of Great Britain knew about their engagement.

Alfred was left alone in the crowd, sighing and trying to somehow escape to a corner. Elizabeta advised him before the party that he shouldn't drink, because it would make him feel even worse. But, he was actually rethinking taking that advice or not.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do now..." He sighed and muttered under his breath before walking through the crazy crowd with a few pushes and getting himself one drink. But he settled for the non - alcoholic drink just in case. A glass of coke wouldn't hurt him.

"Lukas wrote me a song as a present!" He heard a happy, bragging shout of a certain Danish friend of his in the distance, and he frowned a little.

They are all so happy together. Gilbert and Elizabeta are engaged, Lukas and Mathias are the fucking happiest couple on Earth, it seems. Francis has a girlfriend, it seems. But I don't know her name. Oh, and look at those two.

I mean... I'm actually happy for them.

I miss Arthur. I miss him dearly - wait.

Suddenly, he remembered Elizabeta's words, and a small smile crept onto his lips without his consent. I'll not be selfish. I'll make the most of this party. It's Christmas, anyway!

I can't be sad for Christmas!

He chuckled and went into the crowd, slowly closing his eyes on just a brief moment as the harsh and powerful melody of Tear in my heart played on big speakers that Francis had placed in the kitchen.

"Sometimes you gotta bleed to know
That you're alive and have a soul
But it takes someone to come around
To show you how

She's a tear in my heart..."

Many people knew the song, and began singing the lyrics in a loud tone. Alfred didn't know any of the words except of the refrain, so he decided - why not join them?

"...I'm alive
She's the tear in my heart
I'm on fire
She's the tear in my heart
Take me higher
Than I've ever been"

And he felt good. Just dancing and singing along was something he liked about parties. And even if there was a lot of people, and really, a lot, he enjoyed the crowd. It was his place.

When the next song came on, Alfred felt like his heart skipped a beat or two.

"If you're a lover, you should know
The lonely moments just get lonelier
The longer you're in love
Than if you were alone
Memories turn into daydreams, become a taboo..."

It was House of Memories by Panic! At the Disco. And that one was much more to him than just a favourite song - it touched his heart on a different level, and every time it came on, he began singing along with passion and in such a fiery tone.

So he did now as well.

"...I don't want to be afraid
The deeper that I go
It takes my breath away
Soft hearts electric souls
Heart to heart and eyes to eyes
Is this taboo..."

And he was singing it the loudest, for sure. A lot of people who were standing close to him stopped and turned to him wide eyed, soon followed by many other people, as he just closed  his eyes and got buried in all the emotion that the powerful melody and the lyrics were bringing him.

"...Baby we built this house
On memories
Take my picture now
Shake it til you see it
And when your fantasies
Become your legacy
Promise me a place
In your house of memories..."

Once the song finished, Alfred was in tears. He sang it with rage, sadness, grief, joy, and a complete mixture of emotion that nobody was able to read in his voice.

Francis lowered the music following, and Alfred finally opened his eyes to find everyone was staring at him. He was panting for air, and didn't realized the tears which began flowing until he brought up a hand to touch his fully red and flustered cheeks. "I... I didn't... I'm sorry..." He began muttering something, and everyone just began clapping.

"Alfred, dude, that was awesome!" Mathias yelled over with a big grin on his face.

"Not as awesome as my voice, but damn it Jones!" Gilbert added on and ran over to his friend who now stood in a cheering crowd.

"Sing another one, would ya?"

"Remind me, why do you work in the accreditation? Your voice is amazing!"

Alfred almost began shaking. Not of fear, not of sadness, but of pure joy.
He almost never sang except when he was by himself. And his voice wasn't that great, but the song he just sang was so full of emotion that he just... Broke down.

"Hey, relax a little, Alfred." Mathias, Gilbert and Elizabeta were now around him, knowing he must feel a million of different emotions boiling inside of him at the same time.

"I... That song really means a lot to me." He said in a louder voice, since Francis turned the music back up.

"We see that." Elizabeta chuckled, and he gave a small, soft smile to her.

Maybe Matthew didn't come to London, maybe Arthur isn't here with him now, but he's happy.
I can sense it. He's happier than he was, and I love it.

He's doing well.

"Hey, uh, Elizabeta?" He threw the words towards her as she turned to join the crowd again.
"Huh?" She turned back to the American.

"Thank you."

The Hungarian girl threw him a big, loving smile and hugged him tightly before leaving and joining Gilbert and many others in the crowd.

Francis had a big apartment, for sure. And he used it well for important occasions.

Alfred stood in awe and took a sip of coke again, leaning against a cupboard. He didn't realize the slightest what just happened, but it felt nice. He was supported.

Arthur would want me to be happy. I want to be happy.

I'm happy.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


You don't even know how much House of Memories means to me as a song. I break down every time I hear the damn thing. The melody, just the chords that leave me awestruck, plus the incredible lyrics and the powerful voice... Dammit. I love it.

Also, yeaaah... I'm actually planning to make Alfred happier? Or am I? We'll see what happens in the future.


Tear in my heart by Twenty One Pilots
American idiot
by Green Day
House of memories by P!ATD

Thanks for reading!

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